Ek leaving... and maybe me too
- AbsoluteDestiny
- Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2001 1:56 pm
- Location: Oxford, UK
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- Rozard
- Joined: Wed Oct 31, 2001 10:39 pm
Geez, I've notice a lot of tension that had been building up for a week or two. Still, I'd have to say I'm kind of shocked about what's happening. I feel somewhat mournful. EK is one of the artists, and I really do mean artist, that I look up to and respect. I strive to be more like her, as well as other great creators.
I've always been slightly naïve throughout my life, but the past few years, I've wisened up some. People who knew me years ago who know me now can see a significant change. I was very volatile and uncaring. If I were the same person, my attitude would be that of good riddence. If you didn't want to be here, then go away and shut up about it. Now, I really care and connect to people. Now, I feel like it's a mini-funeral. I mean, EK's not gone, I can still IM her, and she'll still make videos, but it's different now. It's like going away to college out of state, and you know no one there.
a-m-v.org is going through a major transition, there's no arguement there. There's an influx of new blood, and the masters are becoming more distant. I feel a next generation of elite creators is being born. Many of the masters are not as active as they once were, and new talent is emerging to take their place. Although it's sad to think this, it's what's happening. I, for one, wish to learn as much as I can from the greats, so that I can incorporate their skill into my videos, and to create new ideas. Like iserlohn said, "It would be sad to see some of the more established people go, as they do provide useful knowledge and an awareness of reality that many new people simply don't." We need to soak up this knowledge. Right now, they are the teachers and we are the students. We will have are time as teachers, too, sooner than you may think.
I know I am somewhat off of Joe's topic, but I'm trying to tie this into it at the end. It is unfortunate that the opinions and negativity of this site has turned off members, EK among them. As for myself, I try not to let any of it get to me. I say try because I can never guarentee that something won't bother me. It's like saying "When I'm famous, I'm not going to buy a 7 bedroom house and a catalog of high-end cars." You never know what you'll do if you're put in that situation until you are. As EK said, she came into AMV making because it was fun for her, and she liked it. Reaching emmence popularity, she unknowingly forgot her reasons and "got so concerned with doing it *right according to everyone else.*"
Could this have been prevented if there was a different Opinions system? Or was it fated to happen? Only God knows. Perhaps there is something wrong with the way feedback is expressed on this web page. Only phade can change that. I hate to sound cold saying this, but so what? I, for one, have gotten a total of 13 reviews. Most good, but some not so. I try to take the time to respond to every aspect of that person's review. I feel somewhat obligated to. They took the time to write me something in response to one of my videos. Other people might not think like this, but that's their business, not mine.
Some responses I can sum up in in a few sentences, where as others, like MJ's and Beef's, take me a few days. I still haven't finished my response to Beef's opinion of one of my videos. I always make sure to thank the person for their opinion that they took time to write. I don't care if that time was two minutes or two days, I thank them the same. It's great to know that people react to your creations. That's the second reason I make videos, the first being I take pleasure in doing them. Self-expression and artistic outlet. I wouldn't make them if I weren't making them for myself first and foremost. If other people dig them, then I'm glad I could share my creativity with them.
All in all, I would, well...I want to apologize for writing so much. If you read the whole thing, then thanks, I guess. I think I said pretty much all that I wanted, or at least all that I could express in words. I would like to end with a quote that I hold true, and I don't know who said it unfortuantely: "You can't please everyone all the time. Someone's always going to think differently." I think that kind of ties in with what I said, don't you think? If you would like to express your opinion to me, please IM me at Rozard, or e-mail me at Rozard@aol.com Again, thanks, and peace be with you.
I've always been slightly naïve throughout my life, but the past few years, I've wisened up some. People who knew me years ago who know me now can see a significant change. I was very volatile and uncaring. If I were the same person, my attitude would be that of good riddence. If you didn't want to be here, then go away and shut up about it. Now, I really care and connect to people. Now, I feel like it's a mini-funeral. I mean, EK's not gone, I can still IM her, and she'll still make videos, but it's different now. It's like going away to college out of state, and you know no one there.
a-m-v.org is going through a major transition, there's no arguement there. There's an influx of new blood, and the masters are becoming more distant. I feel a next generation of elite creators is being born. Many of the masters are not as active as they once were, and new talent is emerging to take their place. Although it's sad to think this, it's what's happening. I, for one, wish to learn as much as I can from the greats, so that I can incorporate their skill into my videos, and to create new ideas. Like iserlohn said, "It would be sad to see some of the more established people go, as they do provide useful knowledge and an awareness of reality that many new people simply don't." We need to soak up this knowledge. Right now, they are the teachers and we are the students. We will have are time as teachers, too, sooner than you may think.
I know I am somewhat off of Joe's topic, but I'm trying to tie this into it at the end. It is unfortunate that the opinions and negativity of this site has turned off members, EK among them. As for myself, I try not to let any of it get to me. I say try because I can never guarentee that something won't bother me. It's like saying "When I'm famous, I'm not going to buy a 7 bedroom house and a catalog of high-end cars." You never know what you'll do if you're put in that situation until you are. As EK said, she came into AMV making because it was fun for her, and she liked it. Reaching emmence popularity, she unknowingly forgot her reasons and "got so concerned with doing it *right according to everyone else.*"
Could this have been prevented if there was a different Opinions system? Or was it fated to happen? Only God knows. Perhaps there is something wrong with the way feedback is expressed on this web page. Only phade can change that. I hate to sound cold saying this, but so what? I, for one, have gotten a total of 13 reviews. Most good, but some not so. I try to take the time to respond to every aspect of that person's review. I feel somewhat obligated to. They took the time to write me something in response to one of my videos. Other people might not think like this, but that's their business, not mine.
Some responses I can sum up in in a few sentences, where as others, like MJ's and Beef's, take me a few days. I still haven't finished my response to Beef's opinion of one of my videos. I always make sure to thank the person for their opinion that they took time to write. I don't care if that time was two minutes or two days, I thank them the same. It's great to know that people react to your creations. That's the second reason I make videos, the first being I take pleasure in doing them. Self-expression and artistic outlet. I wouldn't make them if I weren't making them for myself first and foremost. If other people dig them, then I'm glad I could share my creativity with them.
All in all, I would, well...I want to apologize for writing so much. If you read the whole thing, then thanks, I guess. I think I said pretty much all that I wanted, or at least all that I could express in words. I would like to end with a quote that I hold true, and I don't know who said it unfortuantely: "You can't please everyone all the time. Someone's always going to think differently." I think that kind of ties in with what I said, don't you think? If you would like to express your opinion to me, please IM me at Rozard, or e-mail me at Rozard@aol.com Again, thanks, and peace be with you.
- Vlad G Pohnert
- Joined: Tue Jan 02, 2001 2:29 pm
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Is too bad if you do leave Joe, but the funny thing is that no matter where you go these days there will always be "politics" the creep into everything. Quite a bit of these threads had gotton a bit disturbing, but then again this happens no matter what dicussion group you go to these days in one form or another (A few always will spoil it for the rest). I just think of the possitive stuff and ignore or filter out the negative.
In terms of the reviews, I like the concept about feedback about my videos. Like everything else, One has to filter through them all and read the ones that actually have any meaning. No matter were you go, human nature will not change in this respect so if I get say 10 reviews, I'll be happy if 2 or 3 give me some positive feedback. Some of the feedback I have gotten has help considerably so it makes it worth the effort!
In terms of the reviews, I like the concept about feedback about my videos. Like everything else, One has to filter through them all and read the ones that actually have any meaning. No matter were you go, human nature will not change in this respect so if I get say 10 reviews, I'll be happy if 2 or 3 give me some positive feedback. Some of the feedback I have gotten has help considerably so it makes it worth the effort!
- punistation
- Joined: Tue Feb 20, 2001 6:55 pm
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Klinky a lil' rude? He ain't the only one who see's your post in a different light. But then, you expected that, right Mabo~san? That's why you ended with a disclaimer.
...far be it from me to look down on the AMV elite, but I think that's a load of rot.
a-m-v.org is a database to catalogue as many AMV's as want to be submitted, nothing more. This place is what you want it to be, and you can't complain that's it's no longer suited to your needs. It don't work like that.
You don't like the review system? No-one's forcing you to read 'em. Quit whining. If you only want thoughtful, in-depth, intellectual reviews on the technicalities/artistic merit ONLY, then you post in the AMV summery: "thoughtful, in-depth, intellectual reviews on the technicalities/artistic merit ONLY". Otherwise, you have no right to complain about what a person can or can't say.
Reviews like "I liked your AMV" piss you off? Poor baby. It's elitism like that that's been dragging a-m-v.org down. In my unlearned opinion, we're all better off with people like you gone. Give a-m-v.org back to the people, away from the artists and professionals.
EK's going? Sad... yet I don't know the reason why, so I can't comment. We had good times. She said she loved me and I called her Optimus. It was this thing we did... *sniff*
Maboroshi's thinking about leaving? Good. I WANT you to leave. The fact that you have to proclaim to all and sundry that you... YOU... might be FORCED to leave if things aren't changed for your betterment is sign enough that you think you're being here is an honour for us. Oh glory be, Maboroshi walks among us...
GOD, you sicken me. a-m-v.org isn't a special clubhouse for creators only. This place is a community open for AMV makers and lovers alike, and we don't have a door standard. If you want a place where AMV makers ONLY can come together, away from those icky fans who... like, watch your AMV's... then go make your own private mailing list. The ability to review an AMV, like a-m-v.org itself, is for everyone, not just for people whom you deem worthy.
Me, I like reviews. I live for 'em. When I make AMV's, I make 'em for people to watch. Y'know... people? Out there? Those humans who aren't me? I like it when I receive reviews, good or bad, wether it be from a member of the self-proclaimed AMV royalty, or from some kid on his parent's computer who likes anime. I don't cast judgement on someone depending on their typographical eloquence or the ability to notice the frames that were inversely telecined. The numbers affecting my ranking in the Top 10%? Doesn't bother me, since my place on the Top 10% doesn't change how I feel about my AMV's.
If someone, fan or creator, took the time to review my AMV's, that makes me feel good. I don't look at reviews and say "Ugh. Only 60 words? Gawd, I HATE these fan reviews. Why do these people even bother writing about my AMV? Have THEY ever made one? Who are they to even speak of my creation?"
If you only want your AMV to be watched and reviewed by the learned, or people you deem fit to review your work, then DON'T come here. Don't tell anyone about your AMV. Send an E-mail to your kindred and ask them what they think. You don't like the public writing reviews on your AMV's? Here's an idea: DON'T read 'em. Don't go all pissy that the Review System doesn't have an Only-people-I-respect filter.
"Sleep Now" at #35? Oh that's just because the above 34 are getting IMPURE reviews to boost their popularity. If everyone made qualified impartial reviews, I would be No. 01! I know I would. I pity those 34 above me... their ranking is totally without merit."
Get out, Maboroshi. Go away, and take your elitist friends with you. Anyone who feels that they should deliver an ultimatum that if things aren't done the way they say it should, then they're leaving... should get the Hell out right now. Should we feel sad that you... YOU... may disaprove about an aspect of a-m-v.org? Why should we care more about what YOU think, as opposed to everyone else? Oh, that's right... you're YOU.
I am Punistation, and I dislike the numbers part of the Review system too. Not because it's being used to boost popularity of AMV's that are NOT mine, but because I think it's too much work for potential reviewers to do. I think people are willing to mention what they liked and disliked, but having to disect each aspect and merit it on a 1-10 scale? Ugh. Too much trouble.
I may not like the Review System, but I am not so arrogant that I would threaten to deny the a-m-v.org community the honour of my presence if it is not tailored to me on demand.
(P.S. Hey, I bet you're one of those people who think only business owners should vote in elections. The public getting a vote? pfff. What do THEY no about how government works? It's not won on policy. It's nothing but a popularity contest!)
"I just find the amount of countless fan worship reviews vs intelligent ones to be appalling...
...far be it from me to look down on the AMV elite, but I think that's a load of rot.
a-m-v.org is a database to catalogue as many AMV's as want to be submitted, nothing more. This place is what you want it to be, and you can't complain that's it's no longer suited to your needs. It don't work like that.
You don't like the review system? No-one's forcing you to read 'em. Quit whining. If you only want thoughtful, in-depth, intellectual reviews on the technicalities/artistic merit ONLY, then you post in the AMV summery: "thoughtful, in-depth, intellectual reviews on the technicalities/artistic merit ONLY". Otherwise, you have no right to complain about what a person can or can't say.
Reviews like "I liked your AMV" piss you off? Poor baby. It's elitism like that that's been dragging a-m-v.org down. In my unlearned opinion, we're all better off with people like you gone. Give a-m-v.org back to the people, away from the artists and professionals.
EK's going? Sad... yet I don't know the reason why, so I can't comment. We had good times. She said she loved me and I called her Optimus. It was this thing we did... *sniff*
Maboroshi's thinking about leaving? Good. I WANT you to leave. The fact that you have to proclaim to all and sundry that you... YOU... might be FORCED to leave if things aren't changed for your betterment is sign enough that you think you're being here is an honour for us. Oh glory be, Maboroshi walks among us...
Yeah. The LAST people you want to hear feedback from are fans."I don't see the benefit of it anymore when the majority of reviewers are fans..."
GOD, you sicken me. a-m-v.org isn't a special clubhouse for creators only. This place is a community open for AMV makers and lovers alike, and we don't have a door standard. If you want a place where AMV makers ONLY can come together, away from those icky fans who... like, watch your AMV's... then go make your own private mailing list. The ability to review an AMV, like a-m-v.org itself, is for everyone, not just for people whom you deem worthy.
Me, I like reviews. I live for 'em. When I make AMV's, I make 'em for people to watch. Y'know... people? Out there? Those humans who aren't me? I like it when I receive reviews, good or bad, wether it be from a member of the self-proclaimed AMV royalty, or from some kid on his parent's computer who likes anime. I don't cast judgement on someone depending on their typographical eloquence or the ability to notice the frames that were inversely telecined. The numbers affecting my ranking in the Top 10%? Doesn't bother me, since my place on the Top 10% doesn't change how I feel about my AMV's.
If someone, fan or creator, took the time to review my AMV's, that makes me feel good. I don't look at reviews and say "Ugh. Only 60 words? Gawd, I HATE these fan reviews. Why do these people even bother writing about my AMV? Have THEY ever made one? Who are they to even speak of my creation?"
If you only want your AMV to be watched and reviewed by the learned, or people you deem fit to review your work, then DON'T come here. Don't tell anyone about your AMV. Send an E-mail to your kindred and ask them what they think. You don't like the public writing reviews on your AMV's? Here's an idea: DON'T read 'em. Don't go all pissy that the Review System doesn't have an Only-people-I-respect filter.
Uh-huh. Tell me, are you just miffed that people are praising your AMV to boost it's popularity instead of the qualified impartial review you demand... or are you just indignant that your Sleep Now AMV is listed at #35 in the CREATOR ranked TOP 10, while DokiDoki's "Right Now" is right up the top? That must really infuriate you, what with it featuring live-action footage. It's not a pure ANIME music video! It should banned from a-m-v.org, along with all those Game Music Videos and American Animation Music Videos... ne?"...all boils down to is a popularity contest."
"Sleep Now" at #35? Oh that's just because the above 34 are getting IMPURE reviews to boost their popularity. If everyone made qualified impartial reviews, I would be No. 01! I know I would. I pity those 34 above me... their ranking is totally without merit."
Get out, Maboroshi. Go away, and take your elitist friends with you. Anyone who feels that they should deliver an ultimatum that if things aren't done the way they say it should, then they're leaving... should get the Hell out right now. Should we feel sad that you... YOU... may disaprove about an aspect of a-m-v.org? Why should we care more about what YOU think, as opposed to everyone else? Oh, that's right... you're YOU.
I am Punistation, and I dislike the numbers part of the Review system too. Not because it's being used to boost popularity of AMV's that are NOT mine, but because I think it's too much work for potential reviewers to do. I think people are willing to mention what they liked and disliked, but having to disect each aspect and merit it on a 1-10 scale? Ugh. Too much trouble.
I may not like the Review System, but I am not so arrogant that I would threaten to deny the a-m-v.org community the honour of my presence if it is not tailored to me on demand.
(P.S. Hey, I bet you're one of those people who think only business owners should vote in elections. The public getting a vote? pfff. What do THEY no about how government works? It's not won on policy. It's nothing but a popularity contest!)
- Machine
- Joined: Thu Mar 29, 2001 5:54 pm
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- Wonka
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- mexicanjunior
- Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2001 11:33 pm
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- Castor Troy
- Ryan Molina, A.C.E
- Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2001 8:45 pm
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- Garylisk
- Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2001 2:03 am
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ROFL!mexicanjunior wrote:Uggghhh! Damn you Willum! >_< I had my plane ticket bought and everything. ;_;Wonka wrote: Will you go out with me punistation?
Jokes aside...
I think its sad that peopel are "leaving"... but not necessarally because they are leaving here. Just that they are leaving altogether. That they think they can "leave" somewhere on the internet. I've been on a lot of message boards and a lot of IRC channels etc... and I think it's the most retarded thing ever... well, next to cybersex. Anyway... OK, so you're "leaving". Sure. OK. Bye! Come back soon!
It's like "give me a damn break!" How damn immature can you be? Saying you are leaving suggests that you were actually here in the first place, but the fact is, you just open the page, and post. What you mean to say is that you're not posting anymore. Or that you're not gonna list your AMV's anymore. Or that you're gonna remove your profile from the database. Oooo!! It's the cyberspace version of a temper tantrum! Trying to give us all seperation anxiety? Bah!
Here's a thought though. If you're gonna do it, don't tell everyone and dwell on it for frickin' ever.. Just do it!
So you don't agree with the review system? Ignore it!
So you don't want your videos listed here for some reason? Why? All it does is give you publicity! Do you not like Publicity? then again, most of the people who are leaving are good AMV creators that are really popular. They don't really need the org, people visit their webpages anyway. And their videos are traded on P2P progs every day. So it's not like it hurts them that much.
So what's the point in posting that you are leaving? To let everyone know why you aren't gonna be hanging around anymore I guess.
I question whether or not I am making any sense here. I hope I am.
I hang out in an IRC channel called #gargoyles. It was formed years ago by a guy who calls himself Gorebash. He runs the biggest Gargoyles fans page on the net, Station 8. He doesn't even visit the IRC channel anymore really, but its still there! And then, there was someone who used to frequent the channel a lot (I won't say who since she has become a sorta kinda popular artist lately...) who "left" one day and said she was never coming back, but guess what, she still pops in from time to time to say hi. What was the point in her "leaving" then? I dunno.
It all seems like a load of meladramatic crap to me.
Alcohol, Drugs, Overdrive, Noise, Neon Lights, Party People, Revolution
- Beowulf
- Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2002 9:41 pm
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