by Arigatomina » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:45 pm
Deadlines work for reports, obligations, but not for creative things I do for enjoyment. I get a brainlock. No motivation, no ideas, no enjoyment. And then I want to get as far away from the hobby as possible so I'll eventually remember why I was doing it in the first place.
Inspiration comes randomly, creativity, too. But I do have a standard "work environment" that supports my inspired bursts of creativity. Silence. That usually means from midnight to 5am - or 1am to 10am on the weekends. I don't want anyone nearby, no one calling, no one visiting, no interruptions because I get so frustrated I might kill someone. I like to have the television on in the backgroud - an old movie with dialogue I know by heart: white noise. I need a fresh pot of coffee before I can start. I can't be hungry or tired because once I start I won't get up for anything but coffee and restroom breaks. When the mood is just right I won't even notice that I refreshed my coffee until I take a sip and realize it's hot instead of luke warm. That's the best time for creativity - long bouts under so deep everything else blurs away.
I've been practicing sleep deprivation for about 9 years now. That's said to cause halucinations and insanity. What better source for creativity? ^_^
The only drawback is I have trouble remembering the last hour before I pass out - I'll look at what I did after I wake up and wonder where the heck that came from. I never remember to quit before I'm too out of it to think clearly.