trythil wrote:RIPmyprsoul wrote:an AMV Editor to be able to tell the difference between a good amv and a bad one?
Not really.
Some people* would say that all AMVs suck for legal reasons**, despite having no obvious involvement in the hobby.
* mailto: doesn't work. This is the closest I could get.
** Yay, double entendre.
*mailto: sage
(for Some People)
Good and Bad, matters of opinion, yes, but what about Ugly?
Take even some of the best work you see here, and post it on some "professional" forums, and get your ass laughed off there. "wait, you just used a bunch of somebody else's footage to somebody else's song" They won't even consider how good of an editor you are. The best comment you might get is "oh hey, anime is not my thing, so it was just alright :/"
At the same time, some of the work on those "professional" forums looks like it was edited by a 2 year old, and the argument is basically "yeah, but it's HD, I shot it with $5000 camera." But that's a whole nother bag o' worms.
/me digresses