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Post by Koopiskeva » Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:05 pm

eh? I have XP and it works fine with me |:

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Chaos Angel
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Post by Chaos Angel » Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:08 pm

I also have XP, and it worked fine for me.
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Post by RadicalEd0 » Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:22 pm

I have XP too :|

weird, nemesis had problems too. I wonder if this has to do with that XP theme dll I used to make it pretty... thats what I get for making things pretty

Ok klinky, your lame (lame mp3 of course) batch idea is up for hire for those who cant get this to work :\

also here was my advice to nemesis who couldnt get the exe to run
try going to the Run thing and type Cmd. You should get a black dos box. Type in the location of unpack.exe (i.e. C:\unzipped\unpack\ )
and then type oggdec.exe (so C:\unzipped\unpack\oggdec.exe for instance)
and type again the location of the program followed by "audio.ogg"

So it would be
"C:\unzipped\unpack\oggdec.exe" "C:\unzipped\unpack\audio.ogg"

and hit enter
it should run something and spit out an Audio.wav in that folder, which is what you should use :\
should work

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Post by RichLather » Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:44 pm

I'll be downloadin' this when I get home, but have to ask: how much different in terms of structure is the new version of the music vs the old one?

I plan on listening to my bit on the way home from work to begin imagining the layout, and if what I listen to now is gonna be way different than the new version I need to download, I'd liketa know. :)

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Post by Chaos Angel » Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:49 pm

To me, it sounds almost quieter than the MP3. I dunno why, but the volume seems to be slightly lowered.
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Post by RadicalEd0 » Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:51 pm

theyre exactly the same as far as timing goes
except you're gonna be downloading a sped up version so the 24fps editing trick will work :\
but the difference is 8:01 vs 8:00 :\

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Post by Devolution » Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:46 am

there are DLLs that allow OGG files to be used in XP, but why was it encoded in OGG anyways? yes, it's a superior format, but it could have just as easily been made a HQ MP3 or even just a WAV file.....:\ my 2 cents, meh

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Post by §_Akuma_§ » Thu Feb 27, 2003 1:09 am

*crys* FINALY!!!!!!! YAY!!! im soo damn happy now (despite everything that happened tonight with my g/f)

i have a interesting clip and have no idea what im going to do :(

hehe oh well, thats what weekends are for!
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Post by The Non-Professional » Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:40 pm

O:, good luck to everyone and Danny, take my name off the reserves list. If someone droped out I wouldnt be able to take their place right now. My comp is on the fritz and I have no footage. :? Tis sad

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Post by RadicalEd0 » Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:55 pm

Devolution wrote:there are DLLs that allow OGG files to be used in XP, but why was it encoded in OGG anyways? yes, it's a superior format, but it could have just as easily been made a HQ MP3 or even just a WAV file.....:\ my 2 cents, meh

the format dosent matter, the idea was to pack it small enough for distro. The unpacker was made with the intent of taking the compressed file and decompressing it to wave no questions asked (other than where the wav goes).
Its like super winzip.

Ogg was used simply because it offerend more bang for the byte. If we'd have made it a 20mb mp3 it would defeat the purpose of compressing for distribution, to be decompressed after download.
The actual format dosent matter, so long as the program downloads, runs, and spits out their wav.
The ogg files are actually hidden so as to keep confusion at a minimum :\


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