Does this mean I have an evil twin who looks exactly like me, except that he has a mustache?The_Mad_Hatter wrote: That's what this thread is really about, it's about playing. It's like our own private lil set of AMV 90210, or Days Of Our Lives. Some people get to be the bad guys, some the good guys, others inbetween, and we play out all these lil's's healthy...and you should not try and hide from it.
The Attitudes Of AMV Creators...
- Dannywilson
- Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2002 5:36 am
- Location: In love with Dr. Girlfriend
"in the morning when i have wood..i like to walk around my house and bump random shit with it.... " -Random comment on
- Joined: Tue Dec 11, 2001 7:05 am
- Location: The Interstice Between Reality And Oblivion
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Of course you are, because just like me, you want to play a little, and that's what this thread is about, play time. ^_^Ashton wrote:I'm sturck by the profoundness of your words. And I think despite the general opinion that Mad Hatter is doing this to get a rise, I'm going to give him a rise...
I dunno, why is that you think I said that? I never said anything even remotely of the sort. Do you suffer from reading comprehension problems and just make up whatever you like when you reach a point in the sentence you don't understand? o_OIn what way is what I said indicative of my taste in AMV?
Boy ya know I thought I made the reasons ABUNDANTLY clear at the time...maybe you really are an idiot.Why is any of what I said demeaning to myself?
Ah what the hell, let me break it on down for ya, Cupcake. See you were attacking Tommy, basically by saying that he must be otaku cause he spends more than 5 and a half seconds reviewing somebodies video. Thereby implying that you don't, that other than 5 and a half seconds, you simply haven't the brain power or intellectual curiosity to really try and understand the emotions, motivations, structure, etc, etc of an AMV or it's creator. So in essence, you're claiming that you're a moron and actually complimenting the person you wanted to attack, which of course makes you look like an idiot. Do ya see now?, I guess you don't, but then it's not like I could ever simplify things enough for an idiot to understand anyway so...go fig.
Nah I wear headphones and listen to music when I'm at the computer. ^_^Are you simply typing to here the sound of your own fingers?
- Joined: Tue Dec 11, 2001 7:05 am
- Location: The Interstice Between Reality And Oblivion
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Not only that, but he likes all the food you dislike...and he's sleeping with my evil twin sister!!!!Dannywilson wrote:Does this mean I have an evil twin who looks exactly like me, except that he has a mustache?The_Mad_Hatter wrote: That's what this thread is really about, it's about playing. It's like our own private lil set of AMV 90210, or Days Of Our Lives. Some people get to be the bad guys, some the good guys, others inbetween, and we play out all these lil's's healthy...and you should not try and hide from it.
Er...wait, I don't have an evil twin sister...*GASP*...
And any minute ErMac is going to wake up from a coma and jump in and WOAH, then the sparks are REALLY gonna fly! ^_^
- Vlad G Pohnert
- Joined: Tue Jan 02, 2001 2:29 pm
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Ok, lets me define what I mean about negativity. I don't mean that you can't be negative in a constructive way. What I'm saying is saying negative things that are in any way not constructive is wrong. just Saying that person "X" sucks or is an total "idot", etc in the type of negative comments that are not nessessary. I also did mention that these kind of negative statements should just be ignored as well, so in that respect we are concluding the same thing anyway...The_Mad_Hatter wrote: Wrong...wrong...wrong...and I doubt you've even considered serving tea with it. o_O a GOOD thing. If it wasn't, we wouldn't be able to feel it. When you ignore it, bottle it up, pretend you're a Vulcan, whatever, all you wind up doing is damaging yourself. You bottle it all up inside and it back builds day after day after day, until one day, you wind up reaching a breaking point.
People should learn to embrace the negative side of things, to explore them, to play with them. That's what this thread is really about, it's about playing. It's like our own private lil set of AMV 90210, or Days Of Our Lives. Some people get to be the bad guys, some the good guys, others inbetween, and we play out all these lil's's healthy...and you should not try and hide from it. The only thing you really need to do is remember to not take it seriously, now you can pretend to take it seriously, by all means don't forget that, just don't let it really get to you.
- XStylus
- Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2001 12:11 pm
- Status: Fondly enjoying the salty air.
- Location: A quaint little village.
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It's time for another episode of: PLUSH-FOO!Vlad G Pohnert wrote:The_Mad_Hatter wrote: Saying that person "X" sucks or is an total "idot", etc in the type of negative comments that are not nessessary.
Chapter 6227: "The suckage of Person X"
XStylus plushie: "Hey, wait a sec! I'm person X!"
Vlad plushie: "It was just an example, idiot. Nothing to cry aboot."
XStylus plushie: "But you just called me an idiot like you did in the example!"
Vlad plushie: "You suck."
XStylus plushie: "See?! See?!! That was in the example too!"
Vlad plushie: "-Sigh-"
- Jebadia
- Joined: Fri Jun 01, 2001 8:54 pm
- Location: Parkersburg, WV
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...Bebi....comparing amv's doesn't prove much, your looking to claim yourself as better than everyone else the first chance you get, don't deny it. SpPanda is an excellent amv maker, like many others, contrary (sp?) to what others think. Not all amv makers are bad, and all of them are good either (feel like I took that line from a movie somewhere..). And 'who' is this 'us' you talk about Bebi, do you have a legion of people behind your keyboard backing you up? Don't take me as an ass if I've made myself one already, I'm just tired of these discussions, but like moths to a flame, I, and many others, can't leave it alone.SS5_Majin_Bebi wrote:just thought i should old are u, Panda? im 19.75 (yes i deal in fractions for age, call me pedantic...) o, and have u posted any videos, id like to see tham, so i can compare the properties of an mvid made by an arrogant author to those made by ppl like us.
Boom. I need another paragraph. I haven't looked over this thread for a while, I posted at the beginning, and didn't realize the hidious growth afterwards (of 20 some pages!?). The attitudes of amv makers seems to be as big as a discussion as much as whether or not it's bad to buy HK bootlegs (not just for an amv source, but as a cheep way to get anime not yet avaliable in the US for a fair price without importing), and don't say it isn't, I've seen mountains of posts under that discussion that shouldn't even been made.
Amv creaters are people,persons, individuals, what ever you like to call them, they are human, or at least some of them are, honestly I think Kevin Caldwell was an alien sent from another planet to bestow upon us some of the most awsome amvs evAr! (that was supposed to be humorous, so laugh, everybody laugh!) So has humans, a community is alway's the same, as seen in this one, when have grown large enough, it begins to generate its own problems. Remember those commercials about a place called "Perfect" where nothing bad happens? But then the commercial reminds you that such a place does not exist. So when someone comes around here and starts a bunch of 'flamable' nonsense, don't start a 'flame war' or 'roast' as I like to call it in honor of the Roaster's Club, which I'm glad their bringing the roasts back, or I just haven't seen many of them.
Well I'm starting to ramble, so after these few words you can just stop reading, cause I'm bored as hell and the ramble will continue...
Why do you people flame each other anyways? Does it make you feel better, does it make feel mightier that you can come up with some witty, rude, abbusive remark to use against someone because of a matter of a difference of opinions, or because someone was obviously wrong and themselves won't accept their own stupidit? Well let them waist away until they find out later how stupid they were. Don't start name calling and insulting, thats what gradeschool/kindergarden/ 4-10 year olds do, most of the people here I understand are in their teens or older, which means you yourselfs should know better and should find a more civilized way of settling a matter, specially since it isn't a very personal matter if it is in the forum.
"My dad can beat up your dad, I'm better than you" Is what online arguements sound like to me most of the time, no matter what the subject, the problem is that real life arguements are sounding much like the same due to the growing computer/online community, they bring their online attitudes/asshole-ness into their more real/personal discussions, and talk to people like they were faceless/voiceless text, and it tends to almost make me laugh at the, thus I get brought into it for a short moment when one of them decides to blow their steam off at me for a short moment.
Why do you make amv's anymore? I know I still make amv's because I truely enjoy it, and even when and if someone tells me they suck, or I have no talent. I tend to consider the fact that they can't handle the technique of constructive critizism (sp?) and I tend to simply reply "Better than you...". I don't like to be put down, nor I do like to put others day, at least not in their faces, thats where my own personal opinion goes, as a simple one word answer, which I done use with most people if any. But I still wonder why some people on the org continue to make amv's, when they think it is a big contest to be the best *cough* Pokemon/DBZ mentality *cough*. I really isn't, and a fact is that most of the people who even win awards for their amv's really just do it for the fun, the same goes for those who don't win awards, but really should, this is a big community and there are so many creators out there who aren't recognized very well, when in face they've made some of the most outstanding work I've ever seen, more than I have ever done with the numberous videos i've made so fare, something these 'nobodies' have simply blown me away with there first video (well, first release anyways).
Eh..I'm hungry now, thus ends this ramble for now.
"If you believe in yourself, eat all your school, stay on milk, drink your teeth, don't do sleep, and get your eight hours of drugs, you can get WORK!"
Paperskunk:...PENIS!!!!!!!!! GIANT PENIS!!!!!!!!!! ERMAC WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!!!! GIANT JUICY PENIS!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH MY EYES!!!!!!
Paperskunk:...PENIS!!!!!!!!! GIANT PENIS!!!!!!!!!! ERMAC WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!!!! GIANT JUICY PENIS!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH MY EYES!!!!!!
- Joined: Mon May 06, 2002 1:22 am
- Location: Santa Clara, CA
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- HellBlazer
- Joined: Sat Nov 09, 2002 12:40 am
- Location: Hampton VA Posts: 666
I dont think he could beat mine 

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain
"It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain
- Jebadia
- Joined: Fri Jun 01, 2001 8:54 pm
- Location: Parkersburg, WV
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I would like to watch your dad beat up my dad, really, I would, I'd help.
"If you believe in yourself, eat all your school, stay on milk, drink your teeth, don't do sleep, and get your eight hours of drugs, you can get WORK!"
Paperskunk:...PENIS!!!!!!!!! GIANT PENIS!!!!!!!!!! ERMAC WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!!!! GIANT JUICY PENIS!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH MY EYES!!!!!!
Paperskunk:...PENIS!!!!!!!!! GIANT PENIS!!!!!!!!!! ERMAC WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!!!! GIANT JUICY PENIS!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH MY EYES!!!!!!
- Joined: Tue Dec 11, 2001 7:05 am
- Location: The Interstice Between Reality And Oblivion
- Contact:
>...Bebi....comparing amv's doesn't prove much,
Really? Cause I thought there was a direct correlation between breast and penis size with how good an AMV is...are you saying all this time I've been wrong?! o_O
>your looking to claim yourself as better than everyone else the first chance you get,
I know *I'M* better than everyone else! `, P
>don't deny it.
Can I deny it for him?
>SpPanda is an excellent amv maker, like many others, contrary (sp?) to what
>others think. Not all amv makers are bad, and all of them are good either (feel like I
>took that line from a movie somewhere..).
>And 'who' is this 'us' you talk about Bebi, do you have a legion of people behind your keyboard backing you up?
Well unless you count his collection of Final Fantasy action figures I'd say no.
>Don't take me as an ass if I've made myself one already, I'm just tired of these discussions, but like moths to a
>flame, I, and many others, can't leave it alone.
Yeah for some strange reason most humans on this planet have a problem with reading/watching things that disgust/annoy/offend, rather than doing things that they would find enjoyable...of course on the flip side maybe most people just ENJOY being disgusted/annoyed/offended....something to think about.
Hey now, enough with the grenades!
>I need another paragraph.
I need a harem of half naked virgin sex slaves.
>I haven't looked over this thread for a while,
Pffft, that would take most of the fun out of this anyway. It's so much better when no one really knows who are what they're even talking about.
>I posted at the beginning, and didn't realize the hidious growth afterwards (of 20 some pages!?).
I think I'm partially responsible for about 5 or so of em. It's good clean fun though, everyone needs to vent a lil.
>The attitudes of amv makers seems to be as big as a discussion as much as whether or not it's
>bad to buy HK bootlegs (not just for an amv source, but as a cheep way to get anime not
>yet avaliable in the US for a fair price without importing), and don't say it isn't, I've
>seen mountains of posts under that discussion that shouldn't even been made.
I'd jump into that discussion but I think I'd sorta ruin it permanently and it'd never be discussed again. My lil speech about how there are two kinds of people, those who are successful, and those who are the stepping stones of other peoples success, has a rather unique way of quickly ending debates regarding matters of copyright infringement and so forth. ^_^
>Amv creaters are people,persons, individuals, what ever you like to call them, they are
>human, or at least some of them are, honestly I think Kevin Caldwell was an alien sent
>from another planet to bestow upon us some of the most awsome amvs evAr! (that was
>supposed to be humorous, so laugh, everybody laugh!) So has humans, a community is alway's
>the same, as seen in this one, when have grown large enough, it begins to generate its own
Not me, I'm not human. Well I used to be human...okay actually just a part of me used to be human, but not anymore. I still retain the memories, but not the feelings behind them.
>Remember those commercials about a place called "Perfect" where nothing bad
>happens? But then the commercial reminds you that such a place does not exist.
Wait...what?! I thought they were just being sarcastic! o_O
>So when someone comes around here and starts a bunch of 'flamable' nonsense, don't start a 'flame
>war' or 'roast' as I like to call it in honor of the Roaster's Club,
*shakes head*
Don't call it that.
>which I'm glad their ringing the roasts back, or I just haven't seen many of them.
>Well I'm starting to ramble, so a<snip>
Uh huh.
>Why do you people flame each other anyways?
Oh there are lots of reasons to flame, for myself, I enjoy the challenge. It requires a great deal of intelligence to verbally contend with a person...well with a smart person anyway. Yer average AOL, former Napster chat addict, been on since, oh wow, 2001, spastically hormonal seventh grader strung out on pixie stixs usually isn't capable of much beyond, "You're so Gh@y!1!!" and "I SLePt WiTh YoUr M@tH3r!!1!"
>Does it make you feel better,
I bet for some it does, that's why I have to be careful though about who and how much I flame. I'm so good at it that it really doesn't take much to permanently screw a person up. See if a person is flaming to try and feel better, and then they go up against someone like me who can easily crush them without much effort, they can wind up becoming addicted to trying to "get back" at me. Even though they can never actually achieve the goal they'll spend the rest of their worthless little lives trying. I call them "pathetic obsessives", I've amassed a small army of them. They follow me all over the Inet, and although they can be quite entertaining in their own stupid lil way, after a while it's sorta like swatting at flies.
>does it make feel mightier that you can come up with some witty, rude, abbusive remark to use against
>someone because of a matter of a difference of opinions, or because someone was obviously
>wrong and themselves won't accept their own stupidit?
Is it just me or are you repeating yourself?
>Well let them waist away until they find out later how stupid they were.
Yeah just wait until you get old...being old solves all your problems...really...*snicker* ROTFLMAO `, D
>Don't start name calling and insulting, thats what gradeschool/kindergarden/ 4-10 year olds do,
It depends on the quality. I mean if you just said something like, "Duh, uh, I think you're dumb" that'd be like a 3rd grade level insult. But then you can kick it up a notch and tell someone, "Your father was a free range goat and your mother couldn't handle a clothes hanger." ya see, THATS effective! ^_^
>most of the people here I understand are in their teens or older, which means you yourselfs
>should know better and should find a more civilized way of settling a matter, specially since
>it isn't a very personal matter if it is in the forum.
Huh...who? Someone's trying to settle something...uh...did I miss a meeting?
>"My dad can beat up your dad, I'm better than you" Is what online arguements sound like to
>me most of the time, no matter what the subject, the problem is that real life arguements
>are sounding much like the same due to the growing computer/online community, they bring
>their online attitudes/asshole-ness into their more real/personal discussions, and talk to
>people like they were faceless/voiceless text, and it tends to almost make me laugh at
>the, thus I get brought into it for a short moment when one of them decides to blow their
>steam off at me for a short moment.
Gosh that's a great story. ^_^
>Why do you make amv's anymore?
It's those...DAMN voices in the back of my head...
>I know I still make amv's because I truely enjoy it,
Huh, that's weird. I mean you're so used to doing things that you don't enjoy like engaging in meaningless conversation that you so obviously take seriously...
>and even when and if someone tells me they suck, or I have no talent. I tend to consider the
>fact that they can't handle the technique of constructive critizism (sp?) and I tend to
>simply reply "Better than you...".
Have you ever considered the possibility that you really do suck and have no talent? I mean, seriously for a moment, not tryin to flame ya (I've never seen your vids). Even if the other person does suck themselves and is having feelings of inadequacy doesn't mean they're necessarily lying.
>I don't like to be put down,
Why not? I mean come on, think about it for a second, every single last person on this entire shit ridden little planet won't even exist in 200 years...what the hell is their opinion worth when no one is even going to bother remembering them for anything, much less what they thought of your talent.
>nor I do like to put others day, at least not in their faces,
So behind their back like a coward where you can hide is alright? Sounds to me like you have some issues with directness. Boy if I see a person and I think they did something truly stupid or really untalented by God I'm gonna point it out. I mean it's like seein a guy with his zipper down, do you quietly make fun of him to yourself and let him continue to embarrass himself, or do you walk up to him and say, "Hey d00d, yer fly is down."?
> thats where my own personal opinion goes, as a simple one word answer, which I done
>use with most people if any. But I still wonder why some people on the org continue to
>make amv's, when they think it is a big contest to be the best *cough* Pokemon/DBZ
>mentality *cough*. I really isn't, a<SLAP>
How DARE you to attempt to push your own small minded ideas and notions of how the world should work on others. I mean WOW...I thought I was sorta arrogant, but you, you take the cake for this thread. I mean to have the audacity and balls to just jump in and say THIS IS THE ONLY WAY, MY WAY, is pretty bold of you. I can assure you though little one that many people have MANY motivations behind why they make AMVs. Heck I know a guy who made an AMV as a gift to his girlfriend. I know another guy who made an AMV to impress his friends and move up in the social ranks. I know a girl who made an AMV to remind her of a lost loved one. People just don't make AMVs for fun and that will NEVER be the only reason for ever making one. And yes, Cupcake, contrary to what you might so wish to believe in your world of candyland and black and white, some people do make AMVs strictly for the competition, in fact that's probably one of the biggest reasons people make AMVs.
Really? Cause I thought there was a direct correlation between breast and penis size with how good an AMV is...are you saying all this time I've been wrong?! o_O
>your looking to claim yourself as better than everyone else the first chance you get,
I know *I'M* better than everyone else! `, P
>don't deny it.
Can I deny it for him?
>SpPanda is an excellent amv maker, like many others, contrary (sp?) to what
>others think. Not all amv makers are bad, and all of them are good either (feel like I
>took that line from a movie somewhere..).
>And 'who' is this 'us' you talk about Bebi, do you have a legion of people behind your keyboard backing you up?
Well unless you count his collection of Final Fantasy action figures I'd say no.
>Don't take me as an ass if I've made myself one already, I'm just tired of these discussions, but like moths to a
>flame, I, and many others, can't leave it alone.
Yeah for some strange reason most humans on this planet have a problem with reading/watching things that disgust/annoy/offend, rather than doing things that they would find enjoyable...of course on the flip side maybe most people just ENJOY being disgusted/annoyed/offended....something to think about.
Hey now, enough with the grenades!
>I need another paragraph.
I need a harem of half naked virgin sex slaves.
>I haven't looked over this thread for a while,
Pffft, that would take most of the fun out of this anyway. It's so much better when no one really knows who are what they're even talking about.
>I posted at the beginning, and didn't realize the hidious growth afterwards (of 20 some pages!?).
I think I'm partially responsible for about 5 or so of em. It's good clean fun though, everyone needs to vent a lil.
>The attitudes of amv makers seems to be as big as a discussion as much as whether or not it's
>bad to buy HK bootlegs (not just for an amv source, but as a cheep way to get anime not
>yet avaliable in the US for a fair price without importing), and don't say it isn't, I've
>seen mountains of posts under that discussion that shouldn't even been made.
I'd jump into that discussion but I think I'd sorta ruin it permanently and it'd never be discussed again. My lil speech about how there are two kinds of people, those who are successful, and those who are the stepping stones of other peoples success, has a rather unique way of quickly ending debates regarding matters of copyright infringement and so forth. ^_^
>Amv creaters are people,persons, individuals, what ever you like to call them, they are
>human, or at least some of them are, honestly I think Kevin Caldwell was an alien sent
>from another planet to bestow upon us some of the most awsome amvs evAr! (that was
>supposed to be humorous, so laugh, everybody laugh!) So has humans, a community is alway's
>the same, as seen in this one, when have grown large enough, it begins to generate its own
Not me, I'm not human. Well I used to be human...okay actually just a part of me used to be human, but not anymore. I still retain the memories, but not the feelings behind them.
>Remember those commercials about a place called "Perfect" where nothing bad
>happens? But then the commercial reminds you that such a place does not exist.
Wait...what?! I thought they were just being sarcastic! o_O
>So when someone comes around here and starts a bunch of 'flamable' nonsense, don't start a 'flame
>war' or 'roast' as I like to call it in honor of the Roaster's Club,
*shakes head*
Don't call it that.
>which I'm glad their ringing the roasts back, or I just haven't seen many of them.
>Well I'm starting to ramble, so a<snip>
Uh huh.
>Why do you people flame each other anyways?
Oh there are lots of reasons to flame, for myself, I enjoy the challenge. It requires a great deal of intelligence to verbally contend with a person...well with a smart person anyway. Yer average AOL, former Napster chat addict, been on since, oh wow, 2001, spastically hormonal seventh grader strung out on pixie stixs usually isn't capable of much beyond, "You're so Gh@y!1!!" and "I SLePt WiTh YoUr M@tH3r!!1!"
>Does it make you feel better,
I bet for some it does, that's why I have to be careful though about who and how much I flame. I'm so good at it that it really doesn't take much to permanently screw a person up. See if a person is flaming to try and feel better, and then they go up against someone like me who can easily crush them without much effort, they can wind up becoming addicted to trying to "get back" at me. Even though they can never actually achieve the goal they'll spend the rest of their worthless little lives trying. I call them "pathetic obsessives", I've amassed a small army of them. They follow me all over the Inet, and although they can be quite entertaining in their own stupid lil way, after a while it's sorta like swatting at flies.
>does it make feel mightier that you can come up with some witty, rude, abbusive remark to use against
>someone because of a matter of a difference of opinions, or because someone was obviously
>wrong and themselves won't accept their own stupidit?
Is it just me or are you repeating yourself?
>Well let them waist away until they find out later how stupid they were.
Yeah just wait until you get old...being old solves all your problems...really...*snicker* ROTFLMAO `, D
>Don't start name calling and insulting, thats what gradeschool/kindergarden/ 4-10 year olds do,
It depends on the quality. I mean if you just said something like, "Duh, uh, I think you're dumb" that'd be like a 3rd grade level insult. But then you can kick it up a notch and tell someone, "Your father was a free range goat and your mother couldn't handle a clothes hanger." ya see, THATS effective! ^_^
>most of the people here I understand are in their teens or older, which means you yourselfs
>should know better and should find a more civilized way of settling a matter, specially since
>it isn't a very personal matter if it is in the forum.
Huh...who? Someone's trying to settle something...uh...did I miss a meeting?
>"My dad can beat up your dad, I'm better than you" Is what online arguements sound like to
>me most of the time, no matter what the subject, the problem is that real life arguements
>are sounding much like the same due to the growing computer/online community, they bring
>their online attitudes/asshole-ness into their more real/personal discussions, and talk to
>people like they were faceless/voiceless text, and it tends to almost make me laugh at
>the, thus I get brought into it for a short moment when one of them decides to blow their
>steam off at me for a short moment.
Gosh that's a great story. ^_^
>Why do you make amv's anymore?
It's those...DAMN voices in the back of my head...
>I know I still make amv's because I truely enjoy it,
Huh, that's weird. I mean you're so used to doing things that you don't enjoy like engaging in meaningless conversation that you so obviously take seriously...
>and even when and if someone tells me they suck, or I have no talent. I tend to consider the
>fact that they can't handle the technique of constructive critizism (sp?) and I tend to
>simply reply "Better than you...".
Have you ever considered the possibility that you really do suck and have no talent? I mean, seriously for a moment, not tryin to flame ya (I've never seen your vids). Even if the other person does suck themselves and is having feelings of inadequacy doesn't mean they're necessarily lying.
>I don't like to be put down,
Why not? I mean come on, think about it for a second, every single last person on this entire shit ridden little planet won't even exist in 200 years...what the hell is their opinion worth when no one is even going to bother remembering them for anything, much less what they thought of your talent.
>nor I do like to put others day, at least not in their faces,
So behind their back like a coward where you can hide is alright? Sounds to me like you have some issues with directness. Boy if I see a person and I think they did something truly stupid or really untalented by God I'm gonna point it out. I mean it's like seein a guy with his zipper down, do you quietly make fun of him to yourself and let him continue to embarrass himself, or do you walk up to him and say, "Hey d00d, yer fly is down."?
> thats where my own personal opinion goes, as a simple one word answer, which I done
>use with most people if any. But I still wonder why some people on the org continue to
>make amv's, when they think it is a big contest to be the best *cough* Pokemon/DBZ
>mentality *cough*. I really isn't, a<SLAP>
How DARE you to attempt to push your own small minded ideas and notions of how the world should work on others. I mean WOW...I thought I was sorta arrogant, but you, you take the cake for this thread. I mean to have the audacity and balls to just jump in and say THIS IS THE ONLY WAY, MY WAY, is pretty bold of you. I can assure you though little one that many people have MANY motivations behind why they make AMVs. Heck I know a guy who made an AMV as a gift to his girlfriend. I know another guy who made an AMV to impress his friends and move up in the social ranks. I know a girl who made an AMV to remind her of a lost loved one. People just don't make AMVs for fun and that will NEVER be the only reason for ever making one. And yes, Cupcake, contrary to what you might so wish to believe in your world of candyland and black and white, some people do make AMVs strictly for the competition, in fact that's probably one of the biggest reasons people make AMVs.