Seeing your videos on the big screen.

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Re: Seeing your videos on the big screen.

Post by JaddziaDax » Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:53 pm

A-kon was my first amv showing as well... Unfortunately though they were having major technical issues and my audio turned out to be mostly static :( so while I was excited beforehand I was cringing in auditory pain during the actual showing.

Since then I still get really nervous before a showing: including the tiny local anime con I just went to last November. An audience of 20-30 is just as nerve wracking (if not more so) than an audience of 1k+. Still it was lots of fun listening to people talking about the videos after the contest was over.

AWA amv room showings don't get me too much, but that's mostly due to the room itself. It's a medium sized room and it's pretty cozy, besides most of the people I see in it are other amvers. The winner showings on the other hand: nervous as hell, even if my video isn't in the line up.

It's horribly disappointing when you pay lots of money to travel to a con that doesn't show your video though. One that totally lacks to give you any warning before hand and you find out at the AMV door that you aren't on the editor list. It can ruin a convention experience entirely. I'll probably never submit there or go to it again.

One of the times I submitted to A-kon, I entered a Little Mermaid video into their "Anime Inspired" contest. The coordinator told me that he enjoyed the video and would have allowed me to enter it into the main contest, however I said it wasn't strictly anime so I felt that it belonged in the other contest. After seeing the audience reaction to just the sources, he agreed with my placement. This reaction to this day is one of my favorites. The sources splashed on the screen and the entire audience burst out in laughter... BUT the moment the video started playing they all fell completely silent. I think I even got a bit of clapping after the video finished.

I have to admit my favorite reactions are from people who watched Something Fishy at a con. Even if it's not in the contest itself, its GREAT to see people singing along and laughing :3 I should make more bizarre/funny videos. The con reaction is just so fun for me.

I still make amvs for myself, but I do enjoy con reactions, and they are so much more fun if you can be there in person..

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Re: Seeing your videos on the big screen.

Post by HVfreak » Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:05 am

I just started making AMVs and i love the whole thing.
For me, seeing my work on big screen isn't a 120bmp experience.
More like 0bmp. My heart stood still, holding my breath and watching the audience.
But when it was over and everybody cheered... Lets just say, cant wait for next con....


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