Great Videos and Vid Makers That We all Miss Out On.

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Post by Arigatomina » Wed Jun 02, 2004 6:59 pm

coffee54 wrote:The top 10% is a great place to find good creators. Another is the Opinion Exchange. If they're taking the trouble to promote it there, they're probably pretty confident that they have something good.
As someone who was once very active in the Op exchange, let me break this illusion right now. ^_^;; Many of the people there aren't confident at all, in fact, a lot of them go there because they want help on improving their videos - not to share vids they're sure of. It's a place frequented by new editors, underrated videos (meaning ones that just aren't downloaded and may be good or bad), and videos that are excellent by people who want extra ops to appear on the list. Of those, only half at best are confident in their work. I'd wager a good 3/4 of these people are new or beginning editors looking for any sort of feedback (preferably helpful, but any is often better than nothing).

If you're curious about this, do a free op exchange. After you get a few hundred videos reviewed you'll realize a lot more than half are just starting out and looking for feedback - only the rare ones are actually pimping their work.

The better place for confident editors is the amv announcement board, you just have to look for the ones promising 'great' videos. They aren't always great, but you can spot the confident editors from the caps and exclamation points - or the cold 'see for yourself' posts. ^.~

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Post by Nandez » Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:19 pm

first off I didn't whine i said soemhting about opions first but the thread is about Video Creators that are great but don't get there 15 minutes of fame."Also I meant to Say when I Started This Last Year" Smartass
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Post by x_rex30 » Wed Jun 02, 2004 9:07 pm

Nandez wrote:first off I didn't whine i said soemhting about opions first but the thread is about Video Creators that are great but don't get there 15 minutes of fame."Also I meant to Say when I Started This Last Year" Smartass
Heres a good line "help your favorite AMVs reach the top!!! Leave them a review." I think that concept would help people review videos, cause technically videos reach the top through opinions, not stars. Or I could be wrong!!! :? Just my opinion though!!! :)

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Post by OhmGautama » Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:54 pm

This is really from personal experience so Im not speaking for everyone, but I remember the reason why I create amvs ... because its fun. Its something I can look back on and appreciate my accomplishment. I think there is alot of people who definitely dont get the praise and hits they deserve but I think thats part of the point, I dont make amvs to get popular I make them because I enjoy it and it doesnt really bother me that I may be an amazing video editor and not get that recognition, if people choose to thats fine if not then no problem its their decision not mine. Though I personally always try to go for the newer amv makers when giving opinions because I believe they are the ones who need that initial boost of confidence to know that others think their work is OK, good or amazing ! :D The point im really trying to get across is to the people who may be reading this and just starting out or have been at this for awhile and got lil to no recognition, that you and alot of people may not get the credit or popularity they deserve but I dont think that should be the deciding factor in how good your amv really is! :D
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Post by l2urouni » Thu Jun 03, 2004 2:23 am

hmm....i just started making amv's. the reason why i started was by watching different amv's and seeing how good people could actually make them. i know a lot of people post their amv's so that others can see them. thats the reason why i post my amv's (im still noob at them though). i want people to view my amv and i want to see what people think of them. i don't really need a written opinion. all i really want are the stars (though a nice opinion wouldn't be so bad).

oh that leaves me with a question: how do you find out how many stars a video is given (not my video, other people's video). i've been looking for how other people's ratings on different amv's but i could never find em. it'd be nice if someone could tell me?

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Post by l2urouni » Thu Jun 03, 2004 2:34 am

i cant' seem to figure out how to edit my previous post so i'm double posting. i didn't notice how old this topic was. hahah after over a years worth of time, a reply is given. doesn't this part of the forum seem a lil dead?

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Post by l2urouni » Thu Jun 03, 2004 2:46 am

alright i am so stupid. haha i looked at the date that pplz joined and thought "wow thats old." this is my triple post and im sorry. where is the edit button? can someone tell me that too? im sorry im so noob at this forum.

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Post by )v(ajin Koji » Thu Jun 03, 2004 7:30 am

Well done.
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Post by Tofuspeed » Thu Jun 03, 2004 11:09 am

Hey, it's okei, I'm new here too...

REading the thread..i have 178 people view my thing but I WAS THE ONLY ONE TO COMMENT ON MINE saying: leave me some comment so i can get better at this!


It is my first anime music vid but it's not as though i don't have any experience with editing.
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Post by bubblehead » Thu Jun 03, 2004 5:18 pm

l2urouni wrote:alright i am so stupid. haha i looked at the date that pplz joined and thought "wow thats old." this is my triple post and im sorry. where is the edit button? can someone tell me that too? im sorry im so noob at this forum.
there is no edit button
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