On the whole..I try to stay away from picking someone elses vid to peices. I've not yet used footage from anyones vid..but I'm sure that I've used some of the same shots they have in my vids. And if the time comes that I think "Hmm..you know..I like that shot, but gosh dern it..I've no clue where they got it from" I'd first ask what anime they got it from..try and d/l that anime..(as I do not have a DVD rom at this time, and the only anime DVD I currently own is Trigun eps 1-4) and if that didn't work..ask the vid maker "hey, mind if I use so and so shot from your vid in one I'm working on?" as the worse they could do would be to yell at me,,humilliate me and make me feel like less than pond scum *small j/k there

I know alot of people gripe about people using downloaded anime..and yes..the quality does suck on some of them..but when that's all you've got..the heck with it..nothing saying you can't go back and do a remastered version later on when you do have better equipment. AMV making..for me at least..is for fun..and to learn to use new progams. And that's how I veiw it. If someone decides to use something from my vids..yhea ..I admit it would be nice to get a heads up on it before they do..but if not..what can I do? not too much...but get over it. I think that when you do take footage from another vid that includes transtions, ect...your really only cheating yourself, as you get a much better feeling when you do it on your own. *or at least I do..heck..when I figured out how to ghost images on another..I thought I had found the key to all editing..boy..was I messed up..

As far as aking for help..that can be a bit daunting at times. Especially if your like me..when posting on a message board and getting replies just don't cut it..cause I still have problems figuring it out then. Luckily on some things..I've been grateful for AIM's Direct Connect function when some one sends me a screen shot of what they're talking about..then I see it..smack my forehead and go DOH! when I see how simple it was..or look at it and go.."But my stuff doesn't look like that.."ect..you get the idea. I'm sure they're are creators out there that are more then happy to help out people..but some of us just aren't too sure how to approach them. And where that fits in here I've no clue..

Okay..now that I see I've been redundant..somewhat..