Beware of the AMV thieves...

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Post by Kariudo » Tue Oct 17, 2006 7:30 pm

godix wrote:OH NOES! Those dirty little thieves are stealing all the hard work we put into swiping someone else animation and music! Why can't they just go and steal straight from the source like we do? Why oh why must they swipe our thefts?
yeah...whatever happened to honor among theives?
and why is the rum always gone?

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Post by JaddziaDax » Tue Oct 17, 2006 7:31 pm

Scintilla wrote:I'm wondering how many of the You<a>T</a>ubers show up at those events?
i kinda wonder that myself, but considering one of the contests i entered this year was going to do voting off of the tube... (the coordinator was a tube person aparently) yea... i donno O.o it was a really small con though...

but seriously though, youtube is an interesting place, but the more im on there, and the more people who i interact with there (the ones that make AMVs atleast), the less i like the place... meh.

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Post by angelx03 » Tue Oct 17, 2006 7:37 pm

Imagine those u-tube users start posting those videos in the announcement forum, and all those u-tube users replied to that announcement. :shock:

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Post by x_rex30 » Tue Oct 17, 2006 7:53 pm

JaddziaDax wrote:but seriously though, hosatchel is an interesting place, but the more im on there, and the more people who i interact with there (the ones that make AMVs atleast), the less i like the place... meh.
It's an awesome place! I love it personally. Just not for amvs.. no no .. I have this place and I trust judgement of amvs here. I use this site for AMVs witch it's proven to be the number 1 place for them. Reviews there seem to mean absolutely nothing when compared to reviews you'd find here. I'm sick of massive disappointment from hype of a video there and it turning out to be shit. I find better ones here and better opinion of them here so forget youtube.

For politics, religion and comedy.. youtube is number 1 in my book. I know directors there, I know what comedians I like and I know what to look for when it comes to politics and religion. Find a lot of interesting clips from the news and key things that I like to learn about religion.

People here who hate youtube should probably look beyond the amv aspect of it. :lol:



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