Storing your masters

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Post by OzzieAlThor79 » Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:41 am

Scintilla wrote:
OzzieAlThor79 wrote:I just upload them to the Org and leave them there.

<3 the Org.
Your <i>masters</I>, not your distro copies.
Up till now (you would know that I am digging around AVIsynth, scripts, vobs, etc. nowadays though), I just ripped the video using something that automatically ripped the DVD footage and just made it an MPEG/AVI.

Hence why people are like "Great idea, decent editing, source looks-terrible/could-be-better" on my videos so far.

So I guess I haven't had a "master" copy yet.

Workin on it though. Gotta tinker with Utena a bunch to make it look half as good as RahXephon and R.O.D. do.

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Post by The Wired Knight » Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:15 pm

Scintilla wrote:
OzzieAlThor79 wrote:I just upload them to the Org and leave them there.

<3 the Org.
Your <i>masters</I>, not your distro copies.
You never know, he could just have really low quality masters. . . .

Or has found a way to bypass the org's 100 meg limit for files.

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Post by OzzieAlThor79 » Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:44 pm

The Wired Knight wrote:
Scintilla wrote:
OzzieAlThor79 wrote:I just upload them to the Org and leave them there.

<3 the Org.
Your <i>masters</I>, not your distro copies.
You never know, he could just have really low quality masters. . . .

Or has found a way to bypass the org's 100 meg limit for files.
I have leet org hax.


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Post by Shazzy » Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:45 pm

I keep masters on my external HD in lossless Sheer. It's only about 1 GB per minute that way.
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Post by DJ_Izumi » Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:56 pm

1) Burn entire project, including all used resources and lossless clips to DVD.
2) Burn lossless full render of final project for easy encoding to other formats at later dates to another DVD (I have a few render masters like this on a single DVD since they're not nearly as large as any full project)
3) Hide all the discs in my sock drawer.

I lose DVDs and CDs around my apartment constantly, but everything I hide in my sock drawer is always safe! :D

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Post by x_rex30 » Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:52 pm

I'm planning on using my masters to put them on hd dvd or blue ray whenever that becomes possible.

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Post by SarahtheBoring » Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:23 pm

Most people don't actually need backups of their masters unless it's for their own curiosity later on. I'm in that bracket, so: DVDs. On a spindle. The downloaded ones go in a CD wallet, because they're better videos than mine and thus more "valuable", so to speak.

Stepping on them would seem to be the actual problem here... don't step on them. Being stepped on is not the normal, natural state of a DVD. :P

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Post by DJ_Izumi » Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:31 pm

What about using masters so you can re-work and improve videos or make new encodes with minor alterations for contests and stuff? :P

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Post by Sephiroth » Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:48 am

This is why I i keep the following the premier files, the huffy masters, and make sure that i can repeat my footage which i edited front to end.

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Post by godix » Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:11 am

DJ_Izumi wrote:What about using masters so you can re-work and improve videos or make new encodes with minor alterations for contests and stuff? :P
My videos are perfect when I'm done. I don't need to re-work them and they can't be improved. As for alterations for cons, it isn't a real con submission from me unless it was done in under a week and is something I consider a beta.


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