my credits loop. ... at least that's one of the considerations I took and I totally agree lol.Arigatomina wrote:Another point - intro/exit credits can severely affect the loop-ability of an amv. The best vids are (imo, obviously) the ones you want to watch over and over, and the ones that you can watch repeatedly without them getting stale. Having to sit through 20 seconds of filler between each replay is really annoying. Sure, I can fastforward to skip it, but then I can't just sit back and watch - I have to lean forward and scan forward to the actual video on every single replay.
That's another reason I quit using credits on most vids. Even 1second bumpers can be fugly to look at on loop - I'd rather have black fades be the only thing keeping the video from being one solid loopy creature I can watch until I forget how long I've been watching the rotten thing.
On the other hand there are some videos where I don't want them to be watched on loop until the end blurs into the beginning - I tag bumpers onto those. If I had a neat 'exit/intro' clip, I'd tag that onto those vids, too. I don't make vids like that often. I've downloaded a few vids where I was glad for the random credits because they broke the 'spell'. Those are the videos I don't plan to keep and don't want to watch even twice on loop. If the vid recycles before I click stop, I feel obligated to sit through it again... ^_^;
Why do people put credits in their videos?
- Knowname
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Top 10 Reasons why credits are important:
10) Because we couldn't have threads like this without them.
9) Old school fansubbers convinced us that it is important to seek some type of meaningless fame in an anime community because our lives would hold little meaning without this.
8) MAD creators have been doing them better than us for years but we will not give up that someday we will be as good.
7) A video of entirely AMV credits has yet to be done and we all keep hoping someone will do it and include our credits.
6) They are a clever way to piss of AMV contest coordinators by blatantly violating their running time limits.
5) Only tricks wouldn't attribute the creative people they ripped off
4) When someone figures out how to lipsynch credits their video will automatically become the greatest AMV ever made and they will be hailed as the second coming of KC.
3) If your credits sequence uses more effects than fellow AMV creators, you have reminded them who has true skill and that they are merely a bunch of little bitches.
2) A clever credit sequence that people will remember you name from means you gain 1" of epeen with every new video.
1) Watermarks do nothing to stop bootleggers.
10) Because we couldn't have threads like this without them.
9) Old school fansubbers convinced us that it is important to seek some type of meaningless fame in an anime community because our lives would hold little meaning without this.
8) MAD creators have been doing them better than us for years but we will not give up that someday we will be as good.
7) A video of entirely AMV credits has yet to be done and we all keep hoping someone will do it and include our credits.
6) They are a clever way to piss of AMV contest coordinators by blatantly violating their running time limits.
5) Only tricks wouldn't attribute the creative people they ripped off
4) When someone figures out how to lipsynch credits their video will automatically become the greatest AMV ever made and they will be hailed as the second coming of KC.
3) If your credits sequence uses more effects than fellow AMV creators, you have reminded them who has true skill and that they are merely a bunch of little bitches.
2) A clever credit sequence that people will remember you name from means you gain 1" of epeen with every new video.
1) Watermarks do nothing to stop bootleggers.
- staces
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- Scintilla
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- x_rex30
- Joined: Tue Apr 10, 2001 4:30 pm
More people will recognize me!? That'll make my epeen bigger! thanks.Scintilla wrote:In all seriousness, it can also get more people to recognize you at cons and the like. Not just "e-" here.outlawed wrote:2) A clever credit sequence that people will remember you name from means you gain 1" of epeen with every new video.
- superboi
- Joined: Wed May 03, 2006 10:42 pm
- Location: Central Fl
I think its important to have credits really. It lets us know who did what, and if u don't like a certain creator, or like other creators once u see that name u can decide if u wanna keep watching or not. Other wise, I feel like I'm watching some rogue editors amv, and if they don't let me know who they are it makes me think they're hiding cuz they suck. I personally put the credits at the end though, even though it looks like thats starting to change.
Not to mention the amv I'm currently working on has gotten a bit of help from friends, and I only really got that help cuz I said I'd put them in the credits. Credits is a great way to "pay" people when they help out w/ vids.
Not to mention the amv I'm currently working on has gotten a bit of help from friends, and I only really got that help cuz I said I'd put them in the credits. Credits is a great way to "pay" people when they help out w/ vids.
I put it in her butt,
and got 20 bux!!!!!
and got 20 bux!!!!!
- x_rex30
- Joined: Tue Apr 10, 2001 4:30 pm
I guess I suck then because I didn't put credits in one of the videos I'm most proud of, while two of my videos that I'm less fond of have credits. Also another of my top favorites doesn't have my name in it. Go figure. That confuses things since I'm putting creds in vids where it shouldn't matter and no credits in vidoes that would scream out "hey! Look what I did! See my name! I made this vid! Worship me!" Or maybe it isn't so confusing if you read my first post.superboi wrote:I think its important to have credits really. It lets us know who did what, and if u don't like a certain creator, or like other creators once u see that name u can decide if u wanna keep watching or not. Other wise, I feel like I'm watching some rogue editors amv, and if they don't let me know who they are it makes me think they're hiding cuz they suck.
Yes, it's great! Then people will see your name and think "hey, there is that helpful guy!"superboi wrote:Not to mention the amv I'm currently working on has gotten a bit of help from friends, and I only really got that help cuz I said I'd put them in the credits. Credits is a great way to "pay" people when they help out w/ vids.
You know what, If I helped a friend out a lot with a video, I don't care if he puts me in his credits or not, it seems like an epeen tactic(ok, probably crossed the line a bit on that statement), it's nice, but to not help out a friend because he's deciding not to put in credits is a bit selfish IMO. I've found videos of mine mentioned on other sites before, and I never once came up and said "hey, I made that! yep, it was me!". I just like to sit back and take joy to the fact that people are enjoying my work. I don't have to make my ass visible to people, just incase some person may actually lean over and kiss it.
Though, it is perfectly fine and perfectly healthy I guess, and I'm not being completely serious with what I'm saying so take it with a grain of salt.

- superboi
- Joined: Wed May 03, 2006 10:42 pm
- Location: Central Fl
Well considering most of my friends aren't editors, and don't really give a crap about AMV's it's kinda hard to get them to help when I do need it. It usually involves some sort of acting, or voice acting, or helping out with video capture from video games. They aren't all into digital media, so when I tell them other people are gonna see their name it kinda fires ehm up so they do w/e I tell them to do.
I have 1 or 2 other friends that are editors, but they live FAR, and if I can usually figure out on my own any special affects or w/e it is I'm trying to do, so I rarely ever ask them for help, but I'm sure they would if I asked w/ out having to promising to put them in the credits.
I just find its really helpful to get people together and inspired to work together on a project when they usually have nothing to do w/ media at all by simply telling them people can see their name, and I'd rather make a little credits and special thanks vid than go out of my way to actually pay some1.
And if u make an awesome amv, u need to put yer name on it, cuz I wanna know who made it so I can keep a look out for stuff by you. I usually try to get a sence of people's editing styles, and somehow incorperate certain types of edits into my amv's.
I have 1 or 2 other friends that are editors, but they live FAR, and if I can usually figure out on my own any special affects or w/e it is I'm trying to do, so I rarely ever ask them for help, but I'm sure they would if I asked w/ out having to promising to put them in the credits.
I just find its really helpful to get people together and inspired to work together on a project when they usually have nothing to do w/ media at all by simply telling them people can see their name, and I'd rather make a little credits and special thanks vid than go out of my way to actually pay some1.
And if u make an awesome amv, u need to put yer name on it, cuz I wanna know who made it so I can keep a look out for stuff by you. I usually try to get a sence of people's editing styles, and somehow incorperate certain types of edits into my amv's.
I put it in her butt,
and got 20 bux!!!!!
and got 20 bux!!!!!
- Anjira
- Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2006 6:16 pm
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