Fall_Child42 wrote:They started with Vlad, and they will end with VladNiotex wrote:x2Kionon wrote:Ask Vlad.
Vlad is the beginning and the End.
Vlad is the Alpha and the Omega.
Vlad IS AMV.

JaddziaDax wrote:yea well i have a potato chip that looks just like him O:NerdStrudel wrote:Vlad's face appears in Tortillas to me.

Auuuu.. yeaa... oookkkay.... All I can say is maybe less of that exotic food before bed time might save you... either that or better becareful of my wrath in your dreamsNerdStrudel wrote: The other night while I was having sex a vision of Vlad appeared to me and told me I must go on a quest to destroy the tube and save all of AMV kind. Let me tell you, an 80 year old man appearing and knocking on the passenger window while babbling about AMVs when you're trying to get your groove on in the back seat is a trying experience. It made me limper than that time I stumbled into a picture of DJ Izumi naked (sadly, I'm not making that one up). I mean ok Vlad, you're one of the founders of this hobby. Yes, your videos are good. Sure, you got talent. That's nice and all but LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE WHEN I'M IN MIDDLE OF FUCKING, DAMNIT! And pity poor Ileia, she never did get the satisfaction she deserves. She probably thinks I'm the worst lover ever and it's all Vlad's fault.

As for when it all started... hmmm.. the First AMV was done in Pre caveman days when editors woould carve thier AMVs onto stone tables... that's many stome tablets...
in reality? The first recorded AMV was in 1982.. I'm sure there were others prior. MVs (live action music videos) have a much older history...