AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by Ikore » Sat May 16, 2009 6:25 pm

LittleAtari wrote: I make AMVs for myself first and everyone else second.
speaking words of wisdom, let it be, let it be!


the best artist in the world have been self-taught, but you always needs to know the basics. :book:
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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by TwilightChrono » Sat May 16, 2009 7:19 pm

I do heed advice. Which is why I wen to the store this afternoon and picked up an art theory book. Will begin reading it tonight. Just to see what the hub-bub is about. I take advice fine. I take crit just fine.

Since when did this thread become about me anyway? I wanted to hear different opinions on views and what not. I didn't plan on this turning into a gang-up thread. Anyway, be happy, I bought the book. I normally don't go by out of reference but this topic has intrigued me.

Sugar coating things is the worst. If you want to call me an asshole or the biggest bitch on the org, fine. I can live with it. As Neverend so boldly put. Popularity isn't my thing anyway. I love making my videos, end of story, hence which is why I am stubborn 99.9 percent of the time. Sue me. I'm just defending the hobby I like to do.

This thread wasn't about me originally. I only posted those opening quotes as a reference to get the discussion started, but somehow, I think you all just misinterpreted that and thought it was me being a douschebag. Either way. Let's continue on with the discussion.
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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by downwithpants » Sat May 16, 2009 8:46 pm

i lost interest in watching amvs because almost all use the orthodox way of editing.

i like it when once in a while i see a scene that makes me think "wow, i would have never thought of putting this scene with this music"

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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by shonen_jidai » Sat May 16, 2009 8:51 pm

Zarxrax wrote:My 'style' mostly consists of dropping a clip down on the timeline and seeing if it "looks right" to me. If not maybe I'll try adjusting the cut by a few frames. If its still bad maybe I'll consider adding a fade or something. If it's still bad maybe I'll consider a different clip altogether. But that's basically all that it boils down to when I edit. I don't really follow any sort of theory.
That's basically how I approach editing too. I just try to tell a story that makes sense even if the viewer doesn't know the series or the song.

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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by Valcidious » Sat May 16, 2009 10:30 pm

Well, I'm gonna reply and probably not even come back to the thread, so I could realllyy care less if this makes an impact on any of you, why? Because I'm bored and don't have anything to do. Except for make a description for [Never] Too Late to Change -cough-sorryLA-cough-

In my opinion, this is how I look at editing.
There are editing categories, Effectwhoring, Raw, mix's of both, Kewpyouwhore<3, and your own.

Now, with these categories, there's an artistic way to do things, just like Godix said, there's also the "fuck yeah I'm editing for myself!" way, now, if you're editing for the "FYIEFM!" way, then you can do one of two things.

#1. Not post your videos on the internet (I was one of these editors, I didn't even know about youtube or the org until about a week after I started editing, then I was all "OMFG I CAN LIEK UPLOD MAH VIDZ AWN TEH INTERWEBZ 4 P33PS 2 SEE!?")

#2. Take the heat and learn. If you take the heat and learn, you can always improve, NOBODY is a perfect editor, everyone is always improving no matter how good you or anyone else thinks that that person is, just look at Decoy a few years back, some people thought that it absolutely 100% couldn't get better than that. People advance, so if you're going to upload your videos to the org or youtube or wherever the fuck you want to let people see them, then you have to take the heat and progress YOUR style until you're absolutely happy with it, if you can't do that, refer to rule #1 x]

I personally edit because I want to get better as an editor, editing AMVs and being an actual EDITOR are two completely different things, I started out as an AMVer and I've worked my way up in the technology (Not very well...I'm still working on it, shut up >.>) since then.

But yeah, there ARE wrong and right ways to edit an AMV, but on the flipside, there's the "fun" way of doing it too, the fun way is never getting better, doing everything by yourself, and just following rules 1# and #2.

Whoo I just confused the fuck out of myself

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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by TwilightChrono » Sat May 16, 2009 10:42 pm

Good points. Normally, if it was still back in the day, I would still prefer Rule #1 but since I have joined the org, I've opted for the latter. I love getting feedback from others. Though sometimes my hard-headedness prevents me from listening sometimes, so you'll have to forgive. I just don't know why it is that I love hard cuts and fast overlay fades as much as I do. I just find that they have a certain appeal. I realize there are certain ways to do things, and I admit, I don't like to follow the current trend. I guess sometimes, I should experiment more with my editing.

I realize I put out video after video, but it's more of a practice rather than taking it seriously. The latest video I put out was an experiment to see if I could do certain masking and digital effects. It was really rough in the end result, and that's why I feel I need to put out videos. They are more so practice if anything. I learned some things in doing that video so I now may be somewhat better or know of a better way to mask.

I just recently discovered and easier way to masking. Instead of Masking a frame then cutting it and masking the next frame like I normally do until I'm done with the scene, I found it somewhat easier and faster to combine masking in the scene with keyframing so that it eliminates the need to frame by frame. Sure, it may not be as accurate, but for use in a scene that goes by quick and a small error wouldn't be noticeable or hardly noticeable at all, it comes in handy.

However, that may be a wrong way too.
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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by Valcidious » Sat May 16, 2009 10:55 pm

Holy crap I'm back Still too lazy to do that description >.>

To put it more clearly TC, there's several styles, an unlimited amount of styles, the only thing to do is to master your own style and take it further, feedback is the only thing that will help you do that...Even if it's really shitty feedback.

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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by EvaFan » Sun May 17, 2009 1:48 am

godix wrote:
TwilightChrono wrote:Is there really such a thing as a proper way to edit and is there such a thing as a wrong way to edit?
Yes. To be honest though, it isn't worth discussing on the org. Those who don't already know why the answer is yes would never understand no matter how much it gets explained. So feel free to ignore them and believe it's all just personal taste. Or, alternatively, pick up a fucking art theory book sometime.

Proper Editing: Doing what you want to do regardless of whether or not its wrong/people hate it. For beta's, it doesn't hurt to get ideas. If you like their ideas more then your original, then go for it.
Improper Editing: Not doing what you want to do.

K, Done.

Not even gonna bother with the topic of org feedback/criticism. This discussion would never end. In all seriousness if you don't want criticism and would prefer only praise, just don’t upload your video for the public to see.
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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by TwilightChrono » Sun May 17, 2009 2:08 am

Eva-Fan wrote:
godix wrote:
TwilightChrono wrote:Is there really such a thing as a proper way to edit and is there such a thing as a wrong way to edit?
Yes. To be honest though, it isn't worth discussing on the org. Those who don't already know why the answer is yes would never understand no matter how much it gets explained. So feel free to ignore them and believe it's all just personal taste. Or, alternatively, pick up a fucking art theory book sometime.

Proper Editing: Doing what you want to do regardless of whether or not its wrong/people hate it. For beta's, it doesn't hurt to get ideas. If you like their ideas more then your original, then go for it.
Improper Editing: Not doing what you want to do.

K, Done.

Not even gonna bother with the topic of org feedback/criticism. This discussion would never end. In all seriousness if you don't want criticism and would prefer only praise, just don’t upload your video for the public to see.
I love crit, whether it's bad or good. It's just those mind numbing comments that people leave that I don't find helpful at all. XD If your gonna help someone then here's a formula to do it:

1. No flaming
2. Be as detailed as possible

then try something along the lines of a compliment sandwich. Say something good about the video, the say something about the video that needs work.

I want all kinds of crit. Not just good crit either. Good crit doesn't really help. Just means you did something right. It's the crit that breaks down your video and helps you that really matters.
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Re: AMV's: Orthadox Editing Vs. Un-orthadox Editing

Post by Kitsuner » Sun May 17, 2009 4:53 am

TwilightChrono wrote:If your gonna help someone then here's a formula to do it:

1. No flaming
2. Be as detailed as possible

then try something along the lines of a compliment sandwich. Say something good about the video, the say something about the video that needs work.
But if I do that, how will I be able to maintain my individuality as a helpful person?
OtakuGray wrote:Sometimes anime can branch out to a younger audience and this is one of those times where you wish children would just go die.
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