OtakuForLife wrote:Yeah, he said yes to my question to my question abot Omni's avtar you
assholes. People like you really piss me off I want this topic to die and
for every one to shut the hell up about it.
You are in need of a serious reality check.
1) I allowed the topic to drop, even though I'd said I was fully prepared to drag this out as long as I needed to, because I thought the fact that you said you'd stop posting here in order to stop pestering Phade and the forum at least showed an ounce of class.
2) I wasn't the one who brought this topic back up, your buddy was, with a response that did not need to be posted, AFTER you'd said you were going to stop looking at the thread.
The thing about reviews is that a creator and the people who are the firends
of the creator can chose to intreperte it in anyway they see fit and
I think it was written by-someone who doesn't understand that where not
at profession status yet... So go the fuck away!!!
Reviews are meant to be a form of criticism for creators. If you "aren't profession status yet" it means you SHOULD be getting poor reviews because people are supposed to tell you how you can improve, not mother you and give you 8s and 9s no matter how shitty what you've done is. Whether you'd like to believe it or not, I did tell you several things I thought were wrong with your video, and that's why the review is so long. Sure, it wasn't exactly the most constructive advice in the world, but you know what? I've looked at your profile. You've produced an awful lot of videos and I'm not seeing a lot of improvement. When exactly is it you intend to reach 'profession status'?
That's all really beside the point, though. This all isn't about the review I gave you or how much you suck, it's about the fact that you decided to publicly bitch me out for doing something that wasn't wrong. Maybe if I'd sat there and given myself all tens and acted like Last Love Song was some kind of gift from god you'd have some ground to stand on with starting this thread, but I didn't. I docked marks where I felt was necessary and gave a reason when I gave myself extra.
And, as though that wasn't enough, you act like Ian and Hsien made the video for me and I'm just taking credit.
YOU can fuck off.
I will never touch this thread with a 10ft pole again, if people
make comments that's there call I quit talking along these lines
Stick to that, this time.