yr like only one so far that suggested action, propz for that...koronoru wrote:That backlash should be happening, and you should be "calling for blood", now; before there's a lawsuit affecting the org, not after it. The bad effects of irrational copyright laws are already here. They're not in some indefinite potential future. Everyone who cares about this ought to do as many as possible of the following:Deaths_ally wrote:I'm thinking of the posible backlash from them shutting the site down.
I for one would call for blood if phade was forced to close the site by the likes of the RIAA...
You will note that actions like "sign an electronic petition on the Web" are not on the above list. That's because they don't work. You'll also note that all the actions on the above list require some effort on your part. Ask yourself how important it is to you. It's important enough to me that I'm doing them all to at least some significant degree. Your commitment level may be different - but if 1% of the population each did one thing off that list, you bet it would make some waves.
- Learn the facts about what copyright law does and does not forbid.
- Stop paying for RIAA music - preferably by not listening to it, not just by getting it for free.
- Stop paying for MPAA movies - preferably by not watching them, not just by getting them for free.
- Write (on paper sent by snail-mail) to the people who create the movies and music you would otherwise pay for, explaining that you are boycotting the RIAA and MPAA and why.
- Write (on paper sent by snail-mail) to your elected representatives explaining what's wrong with current copyright laws, what would be worse about expanded copyright laws, and how important it is to relax copyright.
- Find out which politicians are willing to defend your rights. Vote for them.
- Give money to anyone who's producing artistic content you like in a way that respects your rights. For instance, attend live concerts of local unsigned musicians, and watch independant films. You may find that you're watching and listening to more enjoyable movies and music under this policy anyway.
- Give money to organizations that are lobbying for your rights - such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
- Convince others to do these things.
*wipes foam from mouth*
for the letters to the movie/music ppl, what should i say? hey, i like entertainment, but don't like paying for it. looks like i can't enjoy yr works. ah well, blame the RIAA and MPAA.
sry abt the sarcasm, but on a serious note, what do you suggest we write? all it comes down to is that we're cheap tightwads that can and will save a buck, given such an alternative exists. no way we'll go back to waiting around for that (name of movie or music) to air on radio or television, much less pay big bucks for it. i
really would do it(write the letters to movie, music ppl), free entertainment is important, but how do i go abt doing such a thing?