RIAA attack the org?

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Post by omniinuyasha85 » Wed Oct 15, 2003 1:59 am

koronoru wrote:
Deaths_ally wrote:I'm thinking of the posible backlash from them shutting the site down.

I for one would call for blood if phade was forced to close the site by the likes of the RIAA...
That backlash should be happening, and you should be "calling for blood", now; before there's a lawsuit affecting the org, not after it. The bad effects of irrational copyright laws are already here. They're not in some indefinite potential future. Everyone who cares about this ought to do as many as possible of the following:
  • Learn the facts about what copyright law does and does not forbid.
  • Stop paying for RIAA music - preferably by not listening to it, not just by getting it for free.
  • Stop paying for MPAA movies - preferably by not watching them, not just by getting them for free.
  • Write (on paper sent by snail-mail) to the people who create the movies and music you would otherwise pay for, explaining that you are boycotting the RIAA and MPAA and why.
  • Write (on paper sent by snail-mail) to your elected representatives explaining what's wrong with current copyright laws, what would be worse about expanded copyright laws, and how important it is to relax copyright.
  • Find out which politicians are willing to defend your rights. Vote for them.
  • Give money to anyone who's producing artistic content you like in a way that respects your rights. For instance, attend live concerts of local unsigned musicians, and watch independant films. You may find that you're watching and listening to more enjoyable movies and music under this policy anyway.
  • Give money to organizations that are lobbying for your rights - such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
  • Convince others to do these things.
You will note that actions like "sign an electronic petition on the Web" are not on the above list. That's because they don't work. You'll also note that all the actions on the above list require some effort on your part. Ask yourself how important it is to you. It's important enough to me that I'm doing them all to at least some significant degree. Your commitment level may be different - but if 1% of the population each did one thing off that list, you bet it would make some waves.

*wipes foam from mouth*
yr like only one so far that suggested action, propz for that...

for the letters to the movie/music ppl, what should i say? hey, i like entertainment, but don't like paying for it. looks like i can't enjoy yr works. ah well, blame the RIAA and MPAA.

sry abt the sarcasm, but on a serious note, what do you suggest we write? all it comes down to is that we're cheap tightwads that can and will save a buck, given such an alternative exists. no way we'll go back to waiting around for that (name of movie or music) to air on radio or television, much less pay big bucks for it. i

really would do it(write the letters to movie, music ppl), free entertainment is important, but how do i go abt doing such a thing? :?: :?:
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Post by KenShimazu » Wed Oct 15, 2003 2:07 am

IMHO highly doubt the RIAA would shut down .org anytime soon or in the foreseeable future, that`s of course unless they catch full wind of it, but overall this place doesn`t make anywhere near a profit for one, 2 we`re transfering all of this for free, 3...well here`s 3

3. In theory if they were to shut down org,some asshole in the RIAA would do the lowlife thing and demand as part of the lawsuit to gain the information of EVERY member on this site.

then from there they`d investigate and Su (for some reason i have no clue how to spell that right now) any if not all the people who have AMV`s.
(including myself)

but know what? I personaly worry more for Phade than the site, Is Phade SOLELY liable for this site? or do we all go down with him? i think a huge diffrence between us and Kazaa/Napster downloaders is that we actually are a community hence if anything i have a feeling the RIAA would skip the second part and just go after Phade and the site which either way screws with everyone (hell i`ll spring for a lawyer for him)

k... really tired right now and not sure if i made anysense...basically If the RIAA eventually turns their attention to this site, is Phade safe? Will they attempt to breach privacy statements we made to this site )if there were any...christ i can`t even remember) and come after any of us?

hell... i agree with ya`lls fuck the RIAA i havn`t baught a cd in almost 10 years, i end up borrowing songs from friends CD`s or just find people who don`t mind me using their songs...

bleh...err...sorry for the babbling

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Post by SS5_Majin_Bebi » Wed Oct 15, 2003 4:02 am

Well I live in Australia, so obviously we don't have the RIAA, but we have a recording industry that is just as evil.

A short while back, they (Recording Industry of Australia) were trying to get the manufacturers or burnable media (DVD, CD-R etc) to raise their sale prices by something like 10 - 20%. To cover the losses that music and movie pirace creates. All the profits, of course, were going to be channeled straight into the back pockets and bank accounts of the industry. But at the same time, they were going to leave the current anti-copy laws the way they were, hence leaving music and movie copying illegal. So basically, we were going to be paying 20% more on burnable media, to possibly copy music with, but said copying was still illegal. We would have been paying for something that still could have got us in trouble. Because the goons at the RIA thought that PC owners had nothing better to do than sit at home and pirate things.

But what really makes me laugh is the fact that in those threads that were linked to up there, there were people, on the .ORG, who were actually DEFENDING the RIAA. Excuse me? Are these not the same people who download "illegally pirated" anime and music in the form of derivative works? These people obviously want to have their cake and eat it too.

The only reason the relevant industries in the affected countries are kicking up a stink is because they are slowly but surely falling behind in profits due to the amount of prefabricated crap that is circulating under the guise of "music". They see piracy as a convenient scapegoat to blame all their budget busts and profit losses on. And look at the people they are picking on. 12 year old girls? Senior Citizens? Fucking college students? Why pick on the small fry? Why the hell are they not going after the source of the problem, and not the symptom? When you have a headache, you don't cut the top of your skull off, do you? You take a painkiller. It goes to the SOURCE of the problem (crude analogy, but it works). The RIAA aren't interested in anything more than making a quick buck, whilst shitting on the musicians that have the bad luck or judgement to land themselves in bed with the RIAA. Its fucking bullshit.

*stands on soapbox*

And I for one, even though I'm in Australia and technically this aspect of music piracy doesn't affect me, would not hesitate to back Phade up if the existence of this site came under scrutiny. It doesn't matter how big or small a case I make, as long as I'm making the effort. I look around, and I see more than a few people in here shuffling their feet and going "yeah, this sucks, but what can we do about it?". Its people like that that perpetuate these problems. An attitude of "fall over and die" isn't going to get you anywhere. "Stand up and fight" could land you in some seriously deep shit too, but it could also beat the bad guys as well. Theres a chance there, whereas "fall over and die" doesn't.

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Post by koronoru » Wed Oct 15, 2003 10:23 am

omniinuyasha85 wrote:sry abt the sarcasm, but on a serious note, what do you suggest we write? all it comes down to is that we're cheap tightwads that can and will save a buck, given such an alternative exists. no way we'll go back to waiting around for that (name of movie or music) to air on radio or television, much less pay big bucks for it. i

really would do it(write the letters to movie, music ppl), free entertainment is important, but how do i go abt doing such a thing? :?: :?:
Well, I don't know what your gripes with the music and movie industries are, but here are some possibilities. I imagine if you think it through you'll find that it's not just because you're a cheap tightwad.

Maybe you'd be willing to pay something for music, but you're upset about paying $20 for a disc that contains one song you want and a bunch of garbage. Maybe you're upset about paying $20 for a disc that cost $0.20 to manufacture - sure, advertising, and making the music in the first place, costs money, but does it need to cost that much? Maybe you're upset about paying more for CDs than for tapes, when CDs are a Hell of a lot cheaper to manufacture. Maybe you want to know that a significant amount of the money you pay for music, actually goes to support the artists; maybe you were upset when you found out that many artists never see a penny of royalties from "their" albums, because it's all eaten up by recoupable costs.

Maybe you want to be able to make your own mixes, or transfer music to portable devices, without having to deal with the pay-per-use or limited-number-of-transfers regimes of the recording industry's "legitimate alternative" Internet services. Maybe you want to be able to get older, less popular tracks, that are now out of print and unavailable commercially. Maybe you want to get music now instead of having to go visit a record store or wait for it to arrive in the mail from Amazon. Maybe you want to be able to hear a song before you decide whether to buy it - record stores used to have turntables where they'd let you try records to see if you wanted to buy them, but those have pretty much gone the way of the dodo, and the industry's "legitimate" online services are all pay-per-use or limited-number-of-uses. Maybe you want to listen to your music on a computer that runs a non-commercial operating system such as Linux; or with software you wrote yourself. Maybe you want to use music in creative work of your own, like AMVs - a dangerous thing to demand, because it's generally illegal, but the point is that the law should change.

Those examples are about music, but it should be easy to see how they could also be applied to movies too.

Maybe you're concerned about the chilling effect of laws like the DMCA, on unrelated activities like computer science research. That's the biggest one for me - in order to outlaw computers that can copy music, they would like to outlaw user-programmable computers at all, destroy computer programming as a hobby or non-commercial activity, and require everyone to buy all their software from a few large corporations. Maybe you'd want to remind them that many people who download music actually end up buying more of it than they would if they didn't download. Maybe you have personal experience of buying a disc you wouldn't have bought if you hadn't found out about it through downloading. Finally, maybe you just don't want to do business with dishonest people who buy laws to keep their businesses afloat instead of trying to compete on product quality.

I suggest visiting the EFF for more information on activism - they have an electronic petition, and I just got through saying those are useless, but they also have a lot of other resources.

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Post by aidari » Wed Oct 15, 2003 10:31 am

well i'll stand up if the RIAA coems after this site
personally i dispise all people that would even consider shutting this place down
and if there is some imminent problem in the near future i will store as much of the movie database as possible and then i can give them to y'all when the time comes to try to re-open the site elsewhere
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Post by XenoDrake » Wed Oct 15, 2003 11:04 am

omniinuyasha85 wrote:yr like only one so far that suggested action, propz for that...
hey now, i was the one who said lets "DO" something =P :P
SS5_Majin_Bebi wrote:And I for one, even though I'm in Australia and technically this aspect of music piracy doesn't affect me, would not hesitate to back Phade up if the existence of this site came under scrutiny.
i agree on backing Phade, i wouldent want anything to happen to him personaly over all this, much less see the org get shut down.
koronoru wrote:That backlash should be happening, and you should be "calling for blood", now; before there's a lawsuit affecting the org, not after it.
i agree with you on this, but in compairson, this is like Bush attacking Iriq on the threat of WMDs. some people, and the number is growing, see his attack as a bad thing, but i dont, and i never will. and although the RIAA and its trigger happy lawers are not on the same level as gun totein terrorists, the threat of our Great AMV nation by Lawsuits Of Mass Disruption is still their. Weather or not they actualy inted on attacking the org, they have shown that they are able, and are willing to do so, if they find a reason to. so what can we do about not giving them a reason to? all thos things in Deaths_ally's post is a good start. if we make it so that its not a crime to make AMVs, our ass is outa the fire. and i mean really, how many music artest out their actualy want to ban fan based comunities like us, and the OC for another example (www.overclockedremix.com) from doing what we love at no profit to our selfs? i honestly do not think that its the music artest, [ya know, the ones who love their art too], that are trying to stop their fans, [ya know, the ones who love the musicians art just as mush as the musician them selfs do, only with less talent to make it.] from doing what music and art is all about. im not a recording artest, but i have made a few songs, and it would thrill me to no end to find totaly on a whin and with no warning what so ever that someone out their liked "my" song so much thay made an AMV to it. i cant see someone like Linkin Part not feeling the same way, even with all the linkinBallZ AMVs that are total garbage, it just shows thay have THAT many devoted fans. to be in the music and intertanment indistruy, you have to have a passion for your art, but you dont have to have anything but a black heart and a fast toung to be a lawer.

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Post by XStylus » Wed Oct 15, 2003 11:04 am

NME wrote:It's one of the only countries that has an actual law that says it's ok. Everyone who lives in canada can download music freely. It's legal.
Er... you're full of it. Mind quoting me the law that says it is? Verbatim, please. I think you're misinterpreting something.

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Post by Flint the Dwarf » Wed Oct 15, 2003 12:02 pm

xstylus wrote:
NME wrote:It's one of the only countries that has an actual law that says it's ok. Everyone who lives in canada can download music freely. It's legal.
Er... you're full of it. Mind quoting me the law that says it is? Verbatim, please. I think you're misinterpreting something.
I haven't known NME to misinterpret. Lie, yes. Misinterpret, not usually. :)
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Post by koronoru » Wed Oct 15, 2003 3:20 pm

XenoDrake wrote:
koronoru wrote:That backlash should be happening, and you should be "calling for blood", now; before there's a lawsuit affecting the org, not after it.
i agree with you on this, but in compairson, this is like Bush attacking Iriq on the threat of WMDs.
The RIAA's lawsuits of mass destruction are clearly visible, and actively being used against people very much like us; we just haven't actually been hit by one ourselves yet. We know damn well that they exist. That's totally different from Iraqi weapons of mass destruction that were not visible at all, let alone visibly used.

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Post by Propyro » Thu Oct 16, 2003 1:26 am


exscuse me for comming here, reading this when i should be asleep ... but what caugth my eye is the whole support phade thing.

If the Ira cracks down on this site, they will jsut go straight for phade, and maybe larger AMV makers/studios. But if this happens you guys are talking about supporting phade. it's a good idea, and i'd love to do it, but the truth is that as soon as the shit hits the fan were all going to run for the hills.

Don't try to paint yourself as a hero who will stand up for what you think is right and spit in the face of the RIAA, and exspecialy don't try to paint your self as a martyr. As pretty and romantic as you may think it is it just won't happen. In the end you guys (myself included) will leave phade high and dry. Sure we may try sending him some encouraging mail, but the vast majority of us will do nothing but try to dissassociate ourselves from the org.

Ok, now sorry if'm not making any sense or just being an ass ... it's 2:30 and i need sleep ... fuck i have mid terms tommorow ... err today ... shit. I's so fucking stupid ...



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