Thanks a whole bunch!
genestarwind21122 wrote:There's been 9 vids out of the 209 vids I've oped that has gotten perfect 10's and they are:
7.Shrine of the Goddess by Gene Starwind 21122 (Bryan )
Does anyone else find it a bit humorous that this is his own video?
Otohiko wrote:Out of 31 ops, I believe I actually gave the highest mark to...
.... Glory of Love???
I wasn't very critical though...
. You can be more critical if you'd like. I'd rather have "honest opinions" that "undeserving praise"
. But either way, thanks!
Bakadeshi [AuN Studios] wrote:My opinions are rated taking into account both technical abilities and the various quality elements of the video in all areas except Originality, Overall and Review. In the later 3, Personal prefrence, and how fresh it seemed to me Effect those scores. (For details on how I score, I explain in my
profile.) hence why Glory of love is about 10th place (with a 9.17) on my ops, even though its my favorite. I try to be unbiased and fair in all my scoring.
No qualms with that. You should rate how you want to rate. In fact, I've given quite a few videos that I personally don't like or watch that often, good marks since well...a lot of the things *are* black or white (like video quality/sound quality/etc.). I don't claim that "Glory of Love" is original and the video quality is MPEG-1. Perhaps I should figure a way to serve an MPEG-2
. Regardless, thanks for the kind op you gave me earlier this year.
Otohiko wrote:Actually, wait, nevermind, I did once give a perfect 10. I just had to change it later since I heard the rumor that all-10 ops were being deleted... or something.
I don't believe all 10's are deleted. I think it's all 1's. If all 10's were the case, (stupid) "Evolution" wouldn't be rated so high
. *sigh* fanboys