Anyway, riddle me this, while a passion for anime and music is most likely what led to the first AMV, what do you suppose draws people to AMV contests?
Wouldn't you feel good if your vid won awards?
Oh, and correction:
"While not CONFINED to "publicity = judgement", that doesn't make it a part of what happens to vids submitted to the org."
SHOULD have read:
"While not CONFINED to "publicity = judgement", that doesn't mean that judgement/opinions are not an integral part of the org and is executed against all vids submitted to the board."
I'm trying to say that by making it public, you are inviting anyone and everyone to criticize and comment on your vid, whether it be good or bad. If you really don't care what people say, then why put it out there where people will know it exists and most likely comment on it?
It's good if you don't care what people think, but wouldn't it also be worthwhile TO care what people think? Wouldn't that help lead you, in one way or another, to make better vids?
The Annual AMV Users Choice Awards!Can you prove that?
That's actually what I'm trying to emphasize this entire time!Umm...I make whatever series and songs I feel's not based on popularity or anything like that, just the idea for the particular song and anime that comes to my mind. Of course, I always make sure no one else has done it before I do.
I am under the belief that an original idea is likely to lead to a good vid as opposed to one that's been done to death. (Linkin Park/DBZ for example)