Cornwiggle: I had this one XD.
One of my favorites. I received it for "Voyeurism".# 2005-11-19 18:02:10what
This one helped me a whole lot in improving# 2005-09-22 13:21:45great love Connichi ^^

to answer it, nope This is melo-death-metal.goth mannnnnn
and one of my favs
also for Reign of Sorrow.# 2006-02-21 19:29:25good music but not the kind of anime i like
Well when I give qcs (which is the case almost every time) I describe what I did and didn't like and make propositions for improving. It may happen that I just leave 1s and 2s without commenting. It happens not that often, but from time to time a video is just too annoying to comment on it. Usually I sign my qcs with <Tormentor>.