I was just thinking that, myself, Judge...JudgeHolden wrote:I do love how his own logo at the top is involation of U.S. copyright law ....
I was disappointed at the narrow view he presented ... not surprised, but disappointed.
To me, it seems like he hasn't done his research, and Zac Bertschy has been around in the anime scene for quite a while -- he's been doing Answerman since January 14, 2001 (unitl January 1, 2003 and then picked up again on September 9, 2005, but I remember seeing him doing Wizard's Anime Insider Magazine in between that gap).
In all that time being an anime "guru", he didn't happen to notice the fact that AMV contests and panels end up being big draws at most conventions? Didn't he ever notice the fact that the apporpriately-named "Video Art" rooms and convention video rooms at conventions fill up with people wanting to see AMVs?
After reading his stuff lately (his AMV article, the Haruhi Suzumiya comment he made before that "girls wouldn't like it", and the mess he made of his columns-full of his opinion of lolicon), I have agree with Kionon -- he needs to go back to Journalism School. Or at least make sure to investigate something before offering a critical opinion on a "trusted anime news source".