I only have this problem with anime that I own. However, I bought them just for that. Mostly all of the Anime exposure I get is from [as] (especially when they first started), so I don't have the luxury of watching an episode with full control and the ability of watching it over again (well, only when they repeat a series and when the later block comes, but it's not in my control since I don't have TiVo or any other cable/satellite dish box with DVR capabilities). So when I watch I'm just absorbing information to make sense of the information I already collected within the past episodes (or enjoying it if I'm interested in it), so I don't have the luxury of thinking how can I edit this scene and other stuff like that. Sometimes I remember a few scenes from them when I'm listening to music but I remember that I don't own it so I forget about it or think of a few scenes from the Anime I own, in which resulting I "ruin" my listening experience since most of the time I dont' have intensions of using that song, unless a full concept comes to me or something, which rarely happens. Well, that's how it is for me anyways. :/inthesto wrote: You're not just watching to enjoy a series or movie anymore, but you also have a mechanism hunting and scrounging for AMV material, at least in the back of your mind.
Have AMVs ruined anime?
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Re: Have AMVs ruined anime?
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That's not just AMV editors, that's just about anybody who creates or is involved with the mechanics of anything. If you know anyone who's ever seriously gotten into directing or editing film, suddenly they stop being able to just sit and enjoy a movie. They start to notice camera angles, cuts, placement of reaction shots... It's not that they've lost interest, they've just had that switch flipped in their brain that allows them to see the puppet strings and it can never truly be flipped back.inthesto wrote:You're not just watching to enjoy a series or movie anymore, but you also have a mechanism hunting and scrounging for AMV material, at least in the back of your mind.
Once someone explains to you the secret of the magic trick, (how the magician hides the deck of cards with his left hand while everyone is looking at the flaming chainsaw he hurled into the air...) everytime after that when you see the trick, you'll find yourself watching his hands. You know the mechanics of it and could probably do it yourself with practice, but the cost of which is the inability to enjoy the show like you could before.
Sure some of it may just be attributed to becoming bored with anime, but that's not all of it. Fact of the matter is, if you've ever been serious about AMV's, you're not likely to ever truly get back your 'innocence'.
For the serious writers out there, for instance, when was the last time you read a novel and didn't pay any attention to sentence structure and prose...
Who in the hell uses a flaming chainsaw in their magic act?

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Burning Man aside, and as a non-editor:
It depends. I've never been a hard, hard-core "everything not from Japan sucks" otaku; I watch a random variety of live-action, Western animation, and anime, and the same goes for reading manga, Western comics, and "book-books." I also started much later in life than most; I picked it up when most people are giving it up, right after college.
So~o, sometimes a series will grab my interest, sometimes I will be mostly interested in watching it as a social activity, sometimes I'm really only interested in something as AMV fodder, and sometimes it's all three at once. I'll skim through series I don't want to watch to throw them into a video, and there are series I love that don't give me any ideas at all.
But having that "hey, that's an interesting shot"-o-meter in the back of my head doesn't destroy the series for me. *shrugs* Everybody's different.
As for giving it up because you can ONLY have hobbies OR a girlfriend, never both, that's really depressing. I think you can have some of everything, in balance.
It depends. I've never been a hard, hard-core "everything not from Japan sucks" otaku; I watch a random variety of live-action, Western animation, and anime, and the same goes for reading manga, Western comics, and "book-books." I also started much later in life than most; I picked it up when most people are giving it up, right after college.
So~o, sometimes a series will grab my interest, sometimes I will be mostly interested in watching it as a social activity, sometimes I'm really only interested in something as AMV fodder, and sometimes it's all three at once. I'll skim through series I don't want to watch to throw them into a video, and there are series I love that don't give me any ideas at all.
But having that "hey, that's an interesting shot"-o-meter in the back of my head doesn't destroy the series for me. *shrugs* Everybody's different.
As for giving it up because you can ONLY have hobbies OR a girlfriend, never both, that's really depressing. I think you can have some of everything, in balance.
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Re: Have AMVs ruined anime?
there is way too much talk in this thread for me to read everything, so i'm just gonna reply to the first post.
i also never d/l episodes, knowing i'll want the highest quality available for possible future amvs >_<
i guess the ruining is more true for me for music than it is for the anime itself. there are times yes where i'm in a creative mood and all i see is "FOOTAGE" and not the show
but it hasn't become a real problem for me. maybe because i don't take amvs as seriously as some people do and i still know how to enjoy the shows.
but i understand where you're coming from, inthesto. i wouldn't stress over it. if you like to make amvs, then make amvs. if you would like to enjoy the animes themselves without ulterior motives (:P) then take a break. try expressing your creative energy in a different medium. like drawing or writing, or graphic art.
no stress, no drama, no worries mate.
i cracked up at a lot of this. because i've been there as well. a great example about the music subject, ever since evanescence has be banned from the org, i haven't found any pleasure in listening to them XD.inthesto wrote:What I'm talking about is the hobby of being an AMV editor ruining your ability to enjoy anime.
What I () found was that after you begin taking AMV editing seriously (or at least as seriously as the hobby itself really entails outside of crying over losing a competition), anime ceases to be purely entertainment. You're not just watching to enjoy a series or movie anymore, but you also have a mechanism hunting and scrounging for AMV material ...
Of course, I'm sure the "If you don't enjoy it, don't do it" line is going to surface by the third response. And of course it's going to relate more to the editing aspect, the argument ultimately being that I should just quit editing, which will allow me to enjoy anime again.
Strangely enough, I should add that this hasn't affected the way I treat music, and if anything, it's had the opposite effect. I actually get extremely hyped up when I hear a song and pair it with an anime in my head; it isn't until I have to start watching the anime that my mood drops off.
Anybody else have this feeling? Or am I just too much of a Debbie Downer?
i also never d/l episodes, knowing i'll want the highest quality available for possible future amvs >_<
i guess the ruining is more true for me for music than it is for the anime itself. there are times yes where i'm in a creative mood and all i see is "FOOTAGE" and not the show

but i understand where you're coming from, inthesto. i wouldn't stress over it. if you like to make amvs, then make amvs. if you would like to enjoy the animes themselves without ulterior motives (:P) then take a break. try expressing your creative energy in a different medium. like drawing or writing, or graphic art.
no stress, no drama, no worries mate.