MexicanJunior: Mike!
BejitoEX: Sup~
MexicanJunior: what happened to MeriC?
BejitoEX: What about her?
MexicanJunior: and the MI segment?
BejitoEX: ... huh? o.o;;
BejitoEX: She was never on M:I...
MexicanJunior: really? Danny has been waiting for her segment on MI2
BejitoEX: ...
BejitoEX: o_o
BejitoEX: That's... interesting... since she never signed up for it..
MexicanJunior: weird
MexicanJunior: they have her listed
MexicanJunior: Danny must have misunderstood something
BejitoEX: o.o;;
BejitoEX: Weird, indeed, d00d.
Having no life and staying in the chat gives you info... hehe