I mean, if an AMVer came up to me and said, can you please watch this and tell me what you think, then yeah, I'd make the effort to try.
If an AMVer came up to me and was like "OMFG!!!11 \/\/I7C|-| |-|ON73R r0b!n VEDIO!!!!11 TEH BEST!!!1" then I'm going to just ignore it. If that person had fun making it, that's good and all, but if they're going to wave it in my face and act "teh 1337 h@x0R5" then I'm just gonna let them enjoy it on their own, far away from me. They can go enjoy their "glorious creation" off on their own.
I started only about 1.5 years ago and having been working on AMVs slowly (3 listed on ORG, several not) and have never expected my work to be famous or recognized or whatever, but considering I am a bioengineering major stuck in a wannabe-filmmaker's body, this is what I love to do. Making AMVs and watching/analyzing them is like the dream I've always wanted without having to go to film school.

Oh, and yes, I did read the guides, just wish I had read them when I just started out. They are mighty excellent!

PS, thanks for the plug trythil