What in the bloody smucks happened?

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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by GloryQuestor » Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:47 pm

Well, we're trying to move things in the right direction this time. The updating is pretty much something that needs to get done, but it's also something that volunteer members to do on their own time. It's not going to be quick, but I also won't let it stop dead, either.

As to the whole "Lip Flapper" thing and that we don't want involvement/don't care ... don't listen to all that. To get it out there, yes, it was said and done. We were simply reiterating what CodeZTM said, but it seems that too many took this to the extreme measure, and for those members, we apologize for it.

You should know that I, personally, have been all about the community. I've been a pretty big supporter of AnimeMusicVideos.Org at the conventions I go to, I started the initiative to start giving some online contests official support through us (Project OrgEditor and Online AMV IC Tourney), and in the end, the Org gets more than a few volunteers who want to help us out with supporting the community all the time.

Just because we aren't always around here doesn't mean that we aren't doing our part to support the community. We do it all the time -- you just don't see us doing it. We're also just ordinary editors, with ordinary lives, but we continue supporting from behind the scenes because we still think this is a great place to hang out, meet people in the AMV community, and still work on video editing and general support. We give our time so that everyone, including ourselves, can have a great time here.

So, hopefully, things will come around again and things will turn out for the better. Until then, we're still here to inspire the AMV editing faithful and still providing the resources to point them in the right directions. ;)
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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by Ileia » Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:25 am

GloryQuestor wrote:As to the whole "Lip Flapper" thing and that we don't want involvement/don't care ... don't listen to all that. To get it out there, yes, it was said and done. We were simply reiterating what CodeZTM said, but it seems that too many took this to the extreme measure, and for those members, we apologize for it.
The easiest way to put this issue to rest would be to answer the question of why you said here that the administration can't directly endorse or support the Lip Flapper. Code offered to make changes so that perhaps the Org would feel more comfortable with the Lip Flapper and be able to lend its full backing. Considering that Code is the same person who runs Project OrgEditor, which is Org-sponsored, I can't see why the Lip Flapper couldn't receive the same treatment. I would love to see it in with the official interviews on the main page. I could be wrong (administration has changed hands many times) but weren't past interviews and things like the newsletter and its articles done by non-administration?

I cannot stress enough that this is not "dramatiemz", this is just asking a question. I'm not talking about the "reiterating what Code said" part, I can somewhat understand a disclaimer about the interviewee's opinion (though I think that having it in the threads is enough, the front page part is overkill) I'm only asking about the endorsement/support part of it.
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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by zibbazabba905 » Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:08 am

gote wrote:Youtube isn't the only website with video streaming and a better layout than us, though. I'm sure there would be something else if youtube wasn't made, lucky for youtube though it WAS made.
Knowname wrote:We're probably the only website with streaming and no adds though...
It's so awesome to be able to click "preview" and watch instead of having to wait for all the downloads to be done before you know if its worth watching
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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by JaddziaDax » Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:13 pm

Ileia wrote:weren't past interviews and things like the newsletter and its articles done by non-administration?
I know I was once asked to take part of the news letter, and I'm no admin,

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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by Castor Troy » Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:15 pm

I'm also glad that the .org is now making more use of their facebook and twitter accounts.
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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by irriadin » Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:22 pm

Castor Troy wrote:I'm also glad that the .org is now making more use of their facebook and twitter accounts.
Me too. It feels like there's more of a presence about the org when I see it on Facebook and such.

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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by Castor Troy » Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:15 pm

Zarxrax wrote:Its easy to see that the forum used to be a lot more active than it is now. Just look at the dates of the threads in General AMV. Right now, the front page of threads ranges from Feb 1 - Jan 4 (last post date). A full page of threads over 1 months time.
Let's look at page 2 of threads. Jan 4 - Dec 4. Another month. Seems pretty consistent.

Now let's look back to 2005:
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/forum/v ... start=3960
A full page of post ranges from May 10 2005 - May 3 2005. A full page of posts per week.
Looking at the next page, May 2 2005 - April 26 2005. Still about 1 week.

Now, of course this is just looking at General AMV as opposed to the forum as a whole, but I think General AMV is a pretty good indication of the overall speed of the forum. We are only getting about 25% of the activity that we had back then.
I think I found a thread about Project Genius there. :shock:

Just release the damn thing already. It's been about a decade. :|
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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by Scintilla » Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:39 am

Castor Troy wrote:I think I found a thread about Project Genius there. :shock:

Just release the damn thing already. It's been about a decade. :|
I'm getting a little sick of waiting, myself. Had very high hopes, knowing who-all was involved with it.
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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by OtakuGray » Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:26 pm

I kind of stopped posting in general, mostly because I was afraid of myself and how the community would react to anything I posted because of my *lovely* reputation. Honestly, editors on YouTube are thinking the same things you are about the community being less active. It's depressing.

Maybe we should start advertising org on other AMV websites? I'm sure Nya and some of the other banner artists on here wouldn't mind making some promotional art and advertising images that we could then post on other sites such as AMVNews. That would open up another lane for traffic from other webpages to org...and probably bring in some new people.

The ads' could be something like "Post on org!" or "If you aren't posting, then start hosting!" (yeah idk im bad at slogans) and that way we are advertizing the forums and not just the front page. (which is what most people see nowadays)

I also think broadcasting the website on our AMVs would be a good idea too. I know that a lot of contests make you put like, "amvnews" or "akross-con" in your videos somewhere, so maybe putting "amvs.org" or something in the title of an AMV would catch people's interest.

just putting in my 2-cents :| now sure if any of it is realistic though lol
godix wrote:Like this one amv. It was all like woosh, zoom with effects. And I was all like whoa awesome. Then that guitar thingies popped up and went dun dun DUN dun then those box thingies went zooming by and twirling around and shit. Oh god, then the hexagons popped up and I was like 'I just got a stiffie'. Then there was the circle with those thingies going around and I blew my load.

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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by Scintilla » Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:01 pm

OtakuGray wrote:Maybe we should start advertising org on other AMV websites? I'm sure Nya and some of the other banner artists on here wouldn't mind making some promotional art and advertising images that we could then post on other sites such as AMVNews. That would open up another lane for traffic from other webpages to org...and probably bring in some new people.
You do realize that that's largely the point of the existing banners system, right?
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