by post-it » Sun Jul 20, 2003 11:02 pm
I don't see why we should have to pay for something twice !! we baught the CD's and are using them.
if the kind of thinking that the RIAA is taking about were applied to girls of our same age, the girls would all be Librarians T_T
1) reguardless if we like them or not at that time, if a girl chooses a guy - we know she will be faithful to us ( because SHE made-up her mind that That Guy was HERs ^^ )
2) when we take her out, on that first date, we are sorta "testing her" ^^
3) 99.99% of the time, unless she play's hide and seek and surrounds the tree she's hiding behind, we accept her as is with no expectaions ^^
4) if she's happy, were happy.
replace he and she with you and an AMV . . ( think about it ) aren't they the same relationship's ?
this is not france or russia - where we give-up our loves to whome ever comes along !!!
. . divorce does not count; everybody loose's on that one!
this country does not cave-in on what we like nor who will stand by us; even when we are wrong, we still fight as if it were true !!!
if we no longer have that right, to keep what is ours and give freely to whome we choose, the what the hell have all these wars been for though the years ! ????