The program I'm using (LiVES) is very interesting becausekoronoru wrote: Well, yes and no. You also need the "assets" (the audio, video, any still frames, etc.). You need the "index" files (generated as a preprocessing step) if you're editing MPEG-2 (like from DVDs) because Cinelerra can't do frame-accurate seeking by itself. In my experience, it can't edit from purely ripped VOBs anyway, so I extract just the video stream with a demuxer, index that, and edit from there. Probably the thing to do would be include a script with the EDL to do the ripping/preprocessing; in theory someone could just be told "rip it in this way with these tools" but that would be error-prone if we're trying to get a bit-identical result. Other issues: different versions of Cinelerra are not as compatible as they should be, and EDLs normally include full paths (so we'd probably have to standardize a directory structure for storing assets).
it uses a Perl program as a backend, and can perform all
the steps needed, from ripping audio and video to the final
encoding (however, it is still very new, and very much under
development). The point is, if one saved all the calls to
the backend in a plain text file all one would need to do is to
simply execute this file in order to generate the video
(of course, the Perl program calls a bunch of other programs,
so in a sense it's like having a modularized Cinelerra i.e.
instead of having one big video editor you use Perl as a
glue language which calls a bunch of smaller programs).
The problem with the glue approach is that you need a
lot of smaller programs which would be very hard for
Windows users to put together (heh, heh :) The good side
to this is that it uses the unix philosophy of having small
pieces do one thing very well (it's my understanding that
Cinelerra is not very stable -- I haven't tried it myself --
but LiVES is a rock).
I'm discussing the above with the developer (who started
LiVES with a very different focus -- video DJ'ing -- but I'm
pushing hard to make it an AMV-making tool). One problem
is that I'm actually a Python programmer, so I'd really have
to learn Perl better.
But speaking of Python, my vision of a video-editing
language would be something like PIL -- the Python
Imaging Library -- call it PVL (Python Video Library): ... uction.htm
Python is cross-platform, free, and has a very clean
syntax. A PIL-like PVL would be something I'd really
like to see. However, for the time being I'll press with
the LiVES' Perl backend (called "smogrify", BTW).
In a sense it's hopeless because, right or wrong, fewkoronoru wrote: Well, we have some highly skilled technical people... the war isn't over yet.
people will confront a lawsuit to defend their hobby against
almost limitless resources. But then again, strictly speaking
_everyone_ who has a computer is,
violating some law (it's still laughable to read some
webpages' TOS which, in fact, don't allow you to look at
the page at all). Sadly, it boils down to keeping a low
profile. "Script AMVs" do that, but could also have some
very attractive advantages (and admittedly, some very
serious disadvantages). But the idea is there, and I think
it's worth exploring...