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General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Post by Sub0 » Sat Apr 29, 2006 4:04 pm

Image lol
no, I get that alot ;p since I'm VERY sarcastic and leave alot for interpretation. I'll answer you in your op lol.

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Post by MovieMarc » Sat Apr 29, 2006 4:29 pm

Someone left me a pretty good quick comment, and by good i mean it was a paragraph and a half and should have been an opinion. >:/

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Post by doomer000 » Sat Apr 29, 2006 4:56 pm

MovieMarc wrote:Someone left me a pretty good quick comment, and by good i mean it was a paragraph and a half and should have been an opinion. >:/
LMAO! :lol:
(That looks like a fake laugh by the way)
I'm so sorry but i didnt "feel" like having to... move my mouse... and all that cap so i just typed it in the quick comment,lol.

J/k it wasn't me that is just sick and wrong. :x
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Post by Cornwiggle » Sat Apr 29, 2006 4:58 pm

I got an opinion the other day, hardly in english:

" Alot. The quality obviously showed you DLed this in some platform and it has so many dead pixels through out it that makes it look like blotched ink. The synching was not even attempted for more than half the time. The credits part that popped up killed it entirelyu for me which ended up witht he 4 for the review. The seven for the overall acore was given only because I liked the story that was followed through with it. "

THE ENDING CREDITS RUINED IT?! Who the hell lowers a video's score because they don't like the credits? The credits aren't even PART of the video.

Or maybe I misunderstood, I might have since I can spell.

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Post by doomer000 » Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:00 pm

wow that is something i would expect a quier to say. what video was it?
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Post by Cornwiggle » Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:14 pm

doomer000 wrote:wow that is something i would expect a quier to say. what video was it?
My Yu-Gi-Oh one, The Ultimate Dark Game.

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Post by Rev. Takahashi Fan » Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:50 pm

"You know, this is actually too gory for Local. Also, I didn't like it. No timing, incorrect aspect ratio...stuff like that. This video shouldn't be on the .org for more than one reason, it seems. -_- 2/5"

It was supposed to have as much gore as I could fit in a AMV.

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member of the "Pikachu must die!," club.

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Post by Nightowl » Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:54 pm

JudgeHolden wrote:Here! Here! .... they just drive me to drink .... more ...... :roll:

No, not really .... I'm already on my second liver ... :?
Drinking affects your liver? Fuck...

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Post by Arigatomina » Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:02 am

Cornwiggle wrote:THE ENDING CREDITS RUINED IT?! Who the hell lowers a video's score because they don't like the credits? The credits aren't even PART of the video.
If it's an emotional video and the credits are absurd, they can really kill the mood. If the credits play so soon after the end of the video that you can't hit stop or pause, the mood will be ruined every time you watch the vid. I've downloaded a few vids like that - even though I enjoy watching them, I have to get ready to hit to stop button during the last 20seconds because - honestly - funky credit music following a tearjerking video is like going to a movie theater where idiots make farting noises during the dramatic moments.

It hurts the reviewability because you can't watch it on repeat. With funky and innappropriate credit music every time you watch it the mood is ruined as soon as it loops. Silent bumpers, though, even if they're corny and innappropriate, you can just close your eyes till they're gone and the good movie starts playing again. It's mostly corny music attached to a sentimental video that kills the repeat value.

Still, I don't think credits are enough to lower reviewability more than 2, maybe 3 points at most. It depends on how emotional the video is and how mismatched the credits are for that particular vid. I like credits that are unique for each video the creator makes. Or no credits at all - that way I can repeat for hours without losing the mood the video creates.



I got a QC recently where someone said "wouldn't load, nice going" - it annoyed me mostly because it was a low bitrate mpg video. I can't imagine the computer that vid wouldn't "load" on, but if they had trouble with mine they must be spamming the heck out of all the xvid amvs they download from here. Not to mention the new "download a crapload of computer-killing things if you want to play this" mp4 vids popping up these days. This guy griped because a simple mpg wouldn't load...guess some people really can't play anything but wmv. o.O

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Post by Cornwiggle » Sun Apr 30, 2006 11:55 am

Arigatomina wrote:
Cornwiggle wrote:THE ENDING CREDITS RUINED IT?! Who the hell lowers a video's score because they don't like the credits? The credits aren't even PART of the video.
If it's an emotional video and the credits are absurd, they can really kill the mood. If the credits play so soon after the end of the video that you can't hit stop or pause, the mood will be ruined every time you watch the vid. I've downloaded a few vids like that - even though I enjoy watching them, I have to get ready to hit to stop button during the last 20seconds because - honestly - funky credit music following a tearjerking video is like going to a movie theater where idiots make farting noises during the dramatic moments.

It hurts the reviewability because you can't watch it on repeat. With funky and innappropriate credit music every time you watch it the mood is ruined as soon as it loops. Silent bumpers, though, even if they're corny and innappropriate, you can just close your eyes till they're gone and the good movie starts playing again. It's mostly corny music attached to a sentimental video that kills the repeat value.

Still, I don't think credits are enough to lower reviewability more than 2, maybe 3 points at most. It depends on how emotional the video is and how mismatched the credits are for that particular vid. I like credits that are unique for each video the creator makes. Or no credits at all - that way I can repeat for hours without losing the mood the video creates.



I got a QC recently where someone said "wouldn't load, nice going" - it annoyed me mostly because it was a low bitrate mpg video. I can't imagine the computer that vid wouldn't "load" on, but if they had trouble with mine they must be spamming the heck out of all the xvid amvs they download from here. Not to mention the new "download a crapload of computer-killing things if you want to play this" mp4 vids popping up these days. This guy griped because a simple mpg wouldn't load...guess some people really can't play anything but wmv. o.O

It wasn't emotional, it was action/drama between Bakura and the Pharaoh. And I let the song finish before I put my credits in like I do in all my vids. I think this guy was just...an idiot.


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