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#ASYNTHER Default (AVISource)
Convolution3D(preset = "animeHQ")

Code: Select all
#ASYNTHER Default (AVISource)
Convolution3D(preset = "animeHQ")
By number 2, do you mean the size of the screen? If so, then I definitely agree on that. I was trying to figure out why M:I 1 played on my computer without a problem, but M:I 2 was out of sync (as in the end of the video). I finally realized the reason today while watching Scryed at my anime club. The problem her was that M:I 2, at 720x480 had a bigger screen size than M:I 1, which was 512x384. While I can play 512x384 files fine on my computer, 720x480 .avi files usually end up out of sync when I play them.§_Akuma_§ wrote:ok, i watched MI2 last night. i have to say im very impressed (except for a couple of clips i was soo damn dissapointed with but im not saying whos) but for some reason, the quality of it on this computer (and yes i have the XviD and DivX 5 XviD playback codecs) is fucking horrible and some of it is even outta synci suggest we do 1 of 2 things:
1) encode it to MPEG 1 with a bit rate high enough to endure the quality and what not.
2) encode the video like it was last time (well, the 2nd encode or 103 meg version of MI1). or if this the way you guys did it then consider me an ass ^_^
klinky wrote::O
Why am I the only one who enjoyed it. I thought the editing and transitions were better in this one than in MI:1.
I would be fine with 720x480, but for online distro that's not needed and it also makes everything looked squishedI think the intro was done in 720x480 native format though and would look squished if it was resized to 640x480.
Neways. I think it's best that we hold off on MI-3. MI-2 had a bunch of problems of people with a lack of interest and not doing their part. So, I don't know. Of course it's not summer and this is the time that people probably can do it. But then again people with lives will probably be at the beach :O
Except my part, I had to avert my eyes. I almost cried.Garylisk wrote:Eh, I loved MI:2. I thought it was a lot better than MI:1 in most respects.
Was your part the Princess Mononoke part? That's the only part I thought was sub-par.flint_the_dwarf wrote:Except my part, I had to avert my eyes. I almost cried.Garylisk wrote:Eh, I loved MI:2. I thought it was a lot better than MI:1 in most respects.