Arigatomyna wrote:
But that does not mean he didn't read it. It means he took one comment regardless of the rest of the post - not that he didn't see the rest of the post or read the rest of the post - only that he disregarded it. There's a difference between not reading and choosing to focus on one point where there is a difference of opinions.
Had you been paying attention you would have seen that I gave two possibilities. Either AD read the whole thing and took it out of context purposefully to try and start a fight OR they didn't read the whole post and took it out of context because they were stupid and ignorant. Those are the two possibilies that I see. Now then, can you offer any other explanations as to AD's actions?
For if AD had indeed read my post, the only way they would have made their post in the first place is if they were doing it intentionally to start a fight. The only other possibility that I see is if AD simply didn't read the whole post. Both possibilites are logical and make sense, but we don't necesarily know which is right, I was merely offering the possible choices.
You were still assuming he hadn't read it.
Now whose trying to avoid the subject? If what you say is true you wouldn't have even bothered replying to the rest of my post at all because that first point would hold everything in it's balance. Uh oh, sidestep, backpedal, look out!
So you admit it's an assumption.
Technically speaking everything can be considered an assumption, at this point you're just trying to argue semantics for the sake of arguing.
Don't contradict yourself.
Why, is there a bee on me?
Sure, it may be based on a good possibility of being true, but that doesn't mean it isn't an assumption. ^_^ Basing an argument around an assumption is faulty.
o_O me, kid, you don't want to get into a debate over logistics with me. If you'd like though I can start breaking it all down into truth tables and REALLY lay into you. `, )
In which case it isn't a rebuttal at all. Good. My point was that if you intended that post to be a rebuttal it was a poor one.
That particular excert was a comment to a comment, anyone could plainly see that, the only reason it seems for you to think otherwise is because you were attempting to find something to argue about.
But you see, that wasn't the issue.
Who are you to say whether it is or not? It has nothing to do with you when you get right down to it, it's between AD and I. Anything you say in regards to it is nothing more than speculation.
The issue was that the thread is about people who review vids and only focus on the bad points. You reviewed a vid and only focused on the bad points.
Actually, just on a side note real quick, there wasn't anything really negative about the opinion I gave on AD's video, it was very non emotional it it's format. In fact in one section I even went so far as to compare it's format to my Hellsing AMV.
That was the issue you avoided here by talking about justification instead of facing the fact that you, like the person complained about in the thread, only focused on the bad points.
Incorrect, you are now making the assumptions. You assert that my claim is false because it is in my best interest to make it. I'm sorry my friend, but that's what we call a logisitcal fallacy. More specifically a Circumstantial Ad Hominem. Just because I didn't respond directly in regards to what AD said does not make what they said true. I'm under no obligation at all to respond to such slander, I know that the opinions I gave about ADs video were quite neutral, so I have no need to argue against it. You make the assumption though that because I don't, then what AD says is automatically true, which as I pointed out, is a fallacy.
That's because few people have any problem with your opinion about the rewards that come with making a vid. ^_^ The only problem they have is with your mocking (snicker - yes we know that snicker is a sort of laugh that is darker in intent than a giggle - if I had a dictionary I'd say it better, but we know what a snicker is) - your mocking of a person for not spending as much time on a vid as you do on yours.
I never mocked anyone, that is your PERCEPTION of the post, however it's false because it simply doesn't add up with the rest of content in the post. If I was indeed attacking him, it would have been prevalent throughout the entire post. Your problem it seems, and this is the problem with many others in this thread, is that you've got a Ad Hominem Tu Quoque fallacy going on. In the past and in other communities I have indeed "attacked" people for one reason or another, however those past actions have nothing to do with the post I made to the original author of this thread.
It doesn't take you out of context, it merely focuses on one point of what you said.
Wrong, there was only a single point in my post, that point was that the TIME it takes to make an AMV *IS* the reward. Taking that first part of my post of context can TURN IT into another point, but it is a false one. And again AD has already openly admited that they have taken me out of context, so I don't understand why you're even still trying to argue against blatant facts.
If I say cat's are blue and cats make good pets because of some emotional gratification involved in caring for them then someone arguing with me wouldn't be taking me 'out of context' to argue that cats are not blue.
...bad example, Russian Blue's are in fact a slight shade of blue/grey:
Of course it's also a bad comparison because that first part of the post is very clear in conveying the fact that I spend more time working on AMVs than the original author does, the second part of the post explains WHY.
There is a part in the first post where you might be able to imply that I was mocking him for thinking spending 8 days was a "long" time, however you really cannot imply that I was mocking him for not taking long enough to make it, the mocking was merely in regards to his PERCEPTION...which IIRC I actually mentioned. Again though, it all goes back to that Ad Hominem Tu Quoque fallacy you and so many others are stuck on. That and your wonderful penchant for making strawmen for me to burn down.
[BTW, is AD female?!

Uh...I don't know actually. I've been trying to refer to AD directly and using "their" insead of "his" or "her"...*shrugs*