Yeah, but there are different types of "constructive criticism" from "the whole thing sucked" (general) to "didn't like the effects - they were too busy" (more specific) to "transitions at xxxx were too jerky, bad scene choice at xxxx" (extremely specific)BasharOfTheAges wrote:Standards apply equally to everyone - adapt or die - if you don't want constructive criticism keep it off the internet - etc. etc.
Basically, everyone can speak for themselves, but not the site, since there are many different types of people here.
Exactly my experience. XDScaledkittah wrote: That sums up my opinion. Being a now semi newbie to AMV making I'll admit the first responses I got to my AMV's were a major turn off. And I fell in the group of people thinking that the forum goers (and the org in general) really were some rather negative elitist jerks. Ones who couldn't come off the high horses for a moment to offer some constructive advice as to how I could improve.
Course after a few more attempts I did realize that said "jerks" at times have been helpful with the few questions I've had, are that way because they've seen and made a lot more AMV's then me so far, and I know the technical side of the last few vids is a LOT better then my first ones (lookie i'm even compressing the audio now!) That and if the last one got a laugh out of Jaddzia, I'll consider that a win
With the "older org" members there was a discussion before - 'flaming' is technically attacking the person with no reference to the AMV, and 'constructive criticism' is technically mentioning points for improvements. Of course there's a grey area inbetween where people do BOTH. Thus lies the confusion with the unknowing general public.Scaledkittah wrote:Problem is there is a lot of flaming and not enough constuctive crit in my opinion.
LOL!!! And yes - you do know the value of the site.Scaledkittah wrote:I mean I'm a pretty stubborn guy and to be honest I kept up the AMV making after the first couple just to spite the people giving me insults on the org, and an equally stubborn knowing I could do better. Though i've chilled out since on that opinion, not the perfectionist streak though, specially not after witnessing the AWA 08 winners. That's my big driving force to do better now.
I actually posted a thread in the announcements forum "looking for high quality AMVs?" with a link to the shittiest crappiest AMV of mine to piss people off. XDD (the flames were actually deleted by the admins here before I got a closer look at them)
Bingo.Scaledkittah wrote:I can't help but wonder how many people get driven off from a fun as heck hobby, and this community by that inital wave of snark or newbie bashing. Or the treatment tubers get when they try to cross over.
Yes, but I'd make a distinction between the site and the forum - one could use the site quite happily without coming into contact with the forum at all.Scaledkittah wrote:Last time I checked too, isn't the org a place to list all AMV's? Not just the perfect ones?
^^ Copypasta plz? (and you mean locked because they asked it to be locked, or they didn't follow the rules, like entering into the catalogue)JaddziaDax wrote:I have a standard reply for boochsack links in the announcement forum... it's pretty polite and i copy/paste it from a notepad i keep on my desktop. O.o However a lot of the time threads are locked before i can get to them