I'm a relatively new member here; no one knows who I am. But I'll tell you what drove me to join the site:
I was never a member of any video-hosting site until a few months ago. I always lurked on yt and watched amvs, where I eventually came across links in the little description boxes linking to a-m-v.org.
I go to the org, and I end up lurking for... oh, about a year. I thought it was interesting how the whole site was run, and the people here were/still are interesting in their ways of... being. I don't mean alien-like or anything, but this is what I thought:
I remember seeing a lot of threads in the 'AMV Announcements' where someone new, who obviously didn't understand how the org worked, posted a yt link, or, figured out the ftp and uploaded their crappy video. And then I scroll down and notice people commenting with sarcasm, and the person becomes all happy (because they obviously don't understand sarcasm.)
But, really? That's just... wooow.
That poor, poor person. I never saw anything like that on yt, which is why I automatically thought... "how could these people be so mean?"
At first I saw a clique, but then I saw a ton of people who took AMV-making much more seriously than yt people.
I joined the site, because I saw the passion that people held for AMV-making here, which is probably what drove them to treat newbies with sarcasm, etc.
yt - for people who liked to upload amvs made in 1 hour, or betas.
a-m-v.org - for people who take amvs seriously, and spend months/years working on one amv
^That's what I thought at first, basically. Of course, there is so much more to both sites, but yeah.
The reason people don't join the org is because yt appears much more laid back.
Does that mean we have to change the org's ways and become another yt so we can have more people? Please, I hope to God not.
People who want to take the next step will join the org. I'm not saying yt is full of passionless people, but I'm saying that there are few people who want to go the distance and join this site because it is
so much more complex than yt.
Should the org ever change to become more like yt, that is the day I leave.
I joined the org because I knew the org was different from yt, and I liked the way the site was run. I like how there is an ftp system, I like the forum, I like the small little profiles everyone has, I like how you can post 'opinions' on people's videos and small private comments. Should any of this ever change... the org would not be the org. I don't think people need to change and automatically have to help every newb that joins the site, or the org should change how things are uploaded, because all of these things are what make
the org.
The org is very diverse. The org is full of fun people. There are the accepting people, and the people who shun newbs. No one needs to change who they are so they can have a ton of people from yt join. People will join if they want to, regardless of the mean people. I joined, and I honestly don't care if people don't like my amvs. Everyone has their own tastes, and I will accept that. I'm not going to break down and say you
have to like my amv. People who understand this will join.
At least, this is what I see.
As far as yt editors go, there is nothing wrong with them. There are a lot more bad editors than there are good editors, but there are definitely good editors that use yt. There are also a lot of people that enjoy amv-making A TON. I used to love making amvs to death. I loved my crappy, effect-filled videos, because they were fun to make.
I think that's where people from yt fail to want to join the org, because they automatically think they have to have Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Photochop CS4, and learn all these other complex programs like VDub/Avysinth and have an anime collection of 600 in order to join the site and be 'accepted.'
Sorry, that was really messy, and there are some flaws in the point I want to make. But, overall: The org does not need to change one bit so more people from yt will join. People will join when they realize what the org 'is.'
(WOW, so long. I hate that.)