so... you ignore them because they're right?? Saying something like using the excuse that this is just a hobby doesn't put them in the extreme where they just don't CARE about their work... I mean it could, Youtubers don't CARE about their work... but. For instance me, and Moonie if I recall right, and others, would just rather not have it followed by all that persecution, all those mean words ^_^. If someone says 'correct your aspect ratio, here's how' than I'd probably do it/ or at least take it into consideration if I ever use the footage again. But is someone says 'DUDE! your shit looks like squished sand-dollars! You should know how to fix that, my baby SISTER doesn't even make that mistake! But I'll tell you how to fix it cuz your obviously too retarded to figure it out yourself...' well *I* would take that, but you'd better believe that you'd hear about it in my journal *.* anyway. But aren't they both saying the same thing? Sure, just one is a little bit nicer than the other one...Kionon wrote:If they said no, I would not be inclined to help them any longer. They're not "wrong" to want to enjoy whatever they are doing, but they are wrong to expect that I should pay attention to them after an initial bit of feedback and determining they don't care. This site is what it is, and this community is what it is, and this art form is what it is not just because some people said, "hey I like anime and music, let's put 'em together" but also "hey, I want this combination to be good." Feel free not to care about your work, and I'll feel free not to care about it as well. There's a good feeling in a job well done. Of knowing you accomplished a personal best. That you could have taken the easy way out because "you're not a professional" or "this isn't a job" and said "oh, hell no, this means something, and I'm going to make sure I give it my all." I'm going to stick with that approach, thanks.
also your looking at this from only your ABSOLUTELEY EXTREME POV. Not that that's wrong, I mean you are you, and you share my passion for amving (remember my rant about how incredibly closely you clone those remakes you do? You do a good job) so I can see where your coming from. But again, your only thinking of your-self, everybody else is not your problem. That's why I asked you, are you really asian?? (I mean, culturally, not your heritage) Cuz that sounds like a big buddhist thing. Well anyway I like to think I am also responsible for other people just as other people can ROYALLY fuck up my plans, so the best way I see of avoiding that is to take responsibility of their actions.
Getting back to the first line, you must admit that you take these things to extremes, therefore you expect others to as well. Well they don't. They don't just think 'I'm gonna be the very best I can be or not care at all' they tend to think 'well I like this so... hopefully it will lead to something else I like ^_^'. Immagine their surprise when they meet you.