Not editing AMV's per se, but re-doing breaks until they're right and recording vocals for commercials whenever the production director needs me to.
1. Country station that lives across the office
2. Denon CD players
3. Keyboard for computer on left
4. Keyboard for computer on right
5. Neumann TLM103 condenser mic
6. Old but awesome broadcast console
7. Runs Adobe Audition 2.0, Scott Studios Trim/Label/Convert (TLC)
8. Runs Scott Studios VT32 voicetracking software
9. Sony MDR-V600 studio monitors (mine that I bring in whenever I work)
10. Symetrix 528E Vocal Processor & Preamp (this thing is OMGWTFAWSM)
The VT32 software is, to put it bluntly, designed for idiots, but it's pretty schweetly done. You CAN use a touchscreen with it, but we don't. Basically you use the big orange arrows to skip between breaks, hit space to play the outro of the song above (gives time to check levels, etc), space again to begin recording your voice, space a third time to start the intro of the next song while you speak, space one final time to stop that particular recording. Then just move on to the next one. If need be, I can track for either station that we run from the same screen by just a couple of clicks. Once everything's done, hit exit, let it upload everything to the server, and that's all there is to it.
The microphone is nice, but honestly I prefer the Shure SM27's used in the live studio. They sound better, and you can get THREE SM27's for the cost of ONE of those Neumanns. The vocal processor is made of win and awesome. It makes vocals sound incredible before anything ever goes into the console. I can't say enough how much I love that one single piece of equipment...
And yes, I probably should have had Audition actually RUNNING on the other screen, but I didn't need it and it was VERY in the AM when I was in there recording. I just wanted to get it done so I could go home and go to bed.