need help finding 2 amvs please

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need help finding 2 amvs please

Post by strider4life » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:42 am

1st. it involves the anime hajime no ippo centered around the fight between kimura vs mashiba. it's about 5-10 minutes. it's a character profile of kimura. it seems to have been removed from youtube about a year ago. any help finding this would mean a lot, it's the only amv i've seen that made me feel for the character.

2nd. it's a cross between naruto and bleach with flashes of scenes from both shows. the editing of this amv was amazing and the music and video went along perfectly. it was truly amazing.

these 2 videos have been lost to me and i have been searching to find them again. if anyone can help with the search it would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

(i've also search here with no luck.)

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Re: need help finding 2 amvs please

Post by Pwolf » Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:06 am

you have any idea what the audio was? any lyrics you can remember?

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Re: need help finding 2 amvs please

Post by strider4life » Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:12 am

The hajime no ippo amv i think had a japanese track and the naruto/bleach amv had an american rock or pop song.

hope that helps, i know it's vague but i last saw them a few years back.


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