If you get me the raws I edit it Nya
Question 1 wrote:Who's your favorite editor(s)?
My favs are angelface, gangrell, Trampler, madaraxD, Daaf, AimoAio and Aggressor
Question 2 wrote:What can you tell me about your favorite editor as an editor and/or a person?
I'll talk about the ones I actually know. madara is a guy you should hang out once you met him well, Daaf's just crazy (just kidding Primo

gangrell is a shy editor, but that's because she can't speak too much english, Trampler is one of those genius nobody notices until he takes the software
angelface is always a good time to speak with her, and Aggressor... well he's the maker of the AMVSimple, so I guess that's enough for him
Question 3 wrote:Who was your biggest mentor, or who was the closest thing to a mentor you had?
I had several, but I think Canakar was probably my biggest mentor. Nor because he was just someone wise and skilled, but it was that he never looked how much experience I had when I first start getting into the edition. If I didn't know something, he kept teaching me how to do it. Although he retired years ago, I think that without his help, I would have probably never met the org.
Question 4 wrote:What editors are or were the biggest influences to your work?
Question 4a wrote:How exactly did they influence you? What qualities present in your work can you trace back to those editors?
EvilSpider is probably the only one I need here, although Megamom is also an influence.
The style of Spidey is probably the one that influences a lot my own style, since I also like to play a lot with the BG rather than just playing with the effects. In the case of Megamom we also share the thoughts of trying to do something that wasn't made in previous releases. Crossover is the only word I need to define how they influence me.
Question 5 wrote:What outside of the online vidding community has influenced your work?
Question 5a wrote:How has it influenced your work?
At my case my hospital. Sometimes during the examination, and due to the findings I do with the whole structure, I find ideas for videos. For example Concordia's video was influenced by the life of a person I met during her stay. Every video has to do with real life situations
Question 6 wrote:Who are some influential people in AMVs and what are they responsible for?
mirkosp, CodeZTM, Ileia....
mirkosp, in his case talking with him means learning always something new. Always
CodeZTM, the lip flapper series and the Proyect Org editor, do I need to say more?
Ileia, although she might not be writting articles about the amvs, with her proyects, she always knows what she wants to show through the concepts
Question 7 wrote:Are there any somewhat unrecognized editors you wish to promote for any reason?
Question 7a wrote:Umm...seriously? Why that person(s)?
I got several. Mainly from AKROSS.
I dunno if you guys have ever heard about the editor Seliafel. The boy started a year ago to show how to manage a concept, and he was one of our hopes in the last AC. Rdc, the designer that can make lens flare without the traditional tools for them, Gaudi, man, it's just a gift to see a video from the guy.
And there are many others that unfortunately they don't get noticed here. But with videos that.......
Question 8 wrote:Any of you old seasoned editors wanna give some advice on anything?
The only advice that I can give is to always think about the amvs as reflections. Because they are reflections from what the editor is about. Said that, do what you want, without being afraid of what the rest will think about.
Question 9 wrote:Is there anything else related to this subject you'd like to add or any questions you think should be asked as well?
The best editors are not the ones that makes the best videos, that have won lots of awards or that they are famous. The best editors are the ones that know how to cohelp others in a way nobody might do it.
Question 10 wrote:How can the noob below you improve on his editing? NO CHANGING ANSWERS!
Stop being a lazy-ass and get me a beer