A Challenge for the Pros or anyone really!!
- Joined: Tue Aug 17, 2004 10:40 pm
- Location: Cheyenne, Wy
A Challenge for the Pros or anyone really!!
I have an open challenge for anyone who reads this. I would like to know if anyone on a-m-v.org is good enough to put together a video featuring the song No One Believes Me by Kid Cudi. I don't care what anime is used or how long it is. Though I would prefer it to be at least over two minutes. If anyone gets back to me with a video in the AMV database I will download and watch each video, along with a detailed review of what I liked & didn't.
I don't have the laptop or software to make my own videos, or to make them the way I want. So I'm asking you talented people to help me out. Even one video would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Evil Smiler
I don't have the laptop or software to make my own videos, or to make them the way I want. So I'm asking you talented people to help me out. Even one video would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Evil Smiler
- Shin-AMV
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- Animated
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- Animated
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Re: A Challenge for the Pros or anyone really!!
WinAnimated wrote:DONKEY!
Quoted Image converted to link:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 2997_n.jpg

Zanz Bonus Points Tally
8bit_samurai: 1, CodeZTM: 1, Eake4: 2, ibabrak: 5, Mirkosp: 4, tipsd9video: 1, uncreative: 1
8bit_samurai: 1, CodeZTM: 1, Eake4: 2, ibabrak: 5, Mirkosp: 4, tipsd9video: 1, uncreative: 1
- Joined: Tue Aug 17, 2004 10:40 pm
- Location: Cheyenne, Wy
Re: A Challenge for the Pros or anyone really!!
I'm new to the forums here. I'm confused by all of these responses. A simple "I'm interested" would have sufficed.
Although the comments about cash & trophies I do get. hate to burst your bubble but I didn't plan on it. I don't make that kind of money. I was just wondering who was talented enough to do it figuring they had the free time to pull it off.
Although the comments about cash & trophies I do get. hate to burst your bubble but I didn't plan on it. I don't make that kind of money. I was just wondering who was talented enough to do it figuring they had the free time to pull it off.
- Mr Pilkington
- Joined: Tue Apr 09, 2002 4:10 pm
- Status: Stay outa my shed
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Re: A Challenge for the Pros or anyone really!!
I'll put put in my queue
Just need to finish my video the Hammer Project 1st

Just need to finish my video the Hammer Project 1st

- Ileia
- Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:29 am
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Re: A Challenge for the Pros or anyone really!!
I dunno, Pilk..do you really think you're a bad enough dude?