Disclaimer: These interviews are not associated with A-M-V.org or its administration. The Lip Flapper spent way too much time on this week's banner. It's also not that funny.

We interview people! Sorry, I'm trying to think of something less stupid to put here.
Interview Spotlight
This week, we're chatting it up with Nya-Chan Production, a member of the Czech community and a moderator here at a-m-v.org. He's known for works such as One, Trouble in Heaven, and 107 White Silhouettes.
The Interview
Hi there, I am Nya-chan Production, known also as Sanya-nya on IRC or Twitter and as Wolfii in the Czech community and among friends. I am 25 years old with a 16-17 years old person somewhere inside. Om nom nom!CodeZTM wrote:Q: Thanks for joining me today. How about we start things off and have you introduce yourself to the audience?
Some other stuff? You can read that on my profile page ^^
Yo! ==<O.o>==
I suppose it was the local national AMV championship which takes place on Animefest. Saw some fine pieces of Jarnik there, became interested in those and joined a-m-v.org shortly after. My starts were horrible, but after leaving WMM and getting more proficient in technical side of stuff (thanks to mirkosp) I became more confident in what I do and delved deeper.CodeZTM wrote:Q: Thanks again for joining me today. Care to tell us a little bit about what got you involved in AMVs?
It's a bit time consuming, but our members are mostly nice. The AMV management is tough, but that should be improved soon with the new a-m-v.org :3CodeZTM wrote:Q: You're a moderator for a-m-v.org! Care to tell us a little bit about how it's like working for the org? The most fulfilling thing? The most irritating thing? The one thing you'd like to tell regular users to be aware of?
Most fulfilling? I suppose the fact that I can help people. I've always loved that and it means a lot for me.
Most irritating are the people who can't read rules, like on many other boards.
So one thing to be aware of - rules are important! But if I can add something - don't be afraid to offer your help or services to us if you can do something well. Any activity is welcome and we always need more artists, coders, programmers ;x
Love pictures, love creating, love quality.CodeZTM wrote:Q: You're one of the top banner makers on the site and have a lot of accepted banners. You've also created the banners for past Project Editors. They're very lovely to look at! Care to give a little advice on banner making, or let us know about your design process?
First, have a huge amount of pictures to select your base from. Then don't be afraid to spend some 15-30 minutes over a single banner AND don't be afraid to throw it away if the idea doesn't work. And the third part is to know where png work and where jpg does, how to save efficiently and thus have the quality be right up there~
I think mirkosp or Okami are better talking about AMV test work. But it's pretty much the same as for the banners. Have lots of fonts (http://www.dafont.com/ is an awesome resource for those), play with them, know basic stuff about typesetting (what kerning is, which fonts go with which situations, etc.), don't kill your work woth bad quality.CodeZTM wrote:Q: Sticking with designing, you do excellent work in fonts/text. Care to offer some advice on this?
Because I am too lazy to subclip XD So I work with frameserved movies or single episodes. Single episode editing is a guilty pleasure of mine, but in maaaany cases it's enough to work with ^^CodeZTM wrote:Q: Let's talk AMVs! Something you seem to be fond of editing is very short AMVs. Is there a particular reason you enjoy editing short AMVs?
Talking about length... I think that it's far more challenging to take an idea and tell it in some limited amount of time, than telling it in five, six minutes. And I like to challenge myself.
My AMV style? YOu've just described it! Mmmmm... I like simple stuff, that's all, probably? ^^; And I edit as it goes, it's natural talent. Other than getting into basics of technical side of things (I hate when my AMVs look ugly after I've given them hours and days of work) I don't really think about my AMVs much. The idea just comes, I edit it and it comes out.CodeZTM wrote:Q: Speaking of AMVs, your style seems very simplistic, yet elegant in nature. You also seem to focus on telling stories quite well. Care to share with us about your AMV style and how you make it come across?
Or not :<
I get an idea, usually when listening to some music - I am pretty big music lover, right now there's music playing here as well. It usually comes as a combo to some anime I've seen, so I don't have to look for anime.CodeZTM wrote:Q: While you're at it, can you share with us your editing process? How you start, how you edit or whatnot?
Then I wait till I have some time and the right mood strikes, sit down to it... and edit like hell. I don't do much effects, so it doesn't take much time. I prefer concept before shinies, really.
Well, obviously it's a Czech community of AMV makers. Not really THAT active (mainly around big actions like Animefest or Advik), but it has few interesting members. I take care of it with Dorry (my GF, who kicks me when I am lazy). There 's the old party, some people from before the AMVCzech took flight (Jarnik, Wotan, and others), there are the new members who get better and wait for a chance (GorDon, Funstorm, Cingiz and others). I think it's on a good way, but it's really tough to manage it at the same time ^^;CodeZTM wrote:Q: You've mentioned a few times about AMVCzech. Care to let us know a little bit about this community, and a little knowledge about the editors there?
Have fun, yo! ;> And vote more in VCAs! |:CodeZTM wrote:Q: Well thank you for joining me today Nya-Chan. As we take our leave, any last minute general comments or advice to give to the AMV community?
Coming Soon
We speak with long time member Tsukin, as well as learn about a new Youtube Editing tutorial service that some of your fellow members have been working on!