Disclaimer: These interviews are not associated with A-M-V.org or its administration. The Lip Flapper continues to be late. OH NOES. D:
Welcome to the Lip Flapper! Each week, we delve deep into the community and get a look into both individual members as well as group discussions on various issues that surround our hobby.
Interview Spotlight
This week, we chat with Replay Studios, Shin-AMV and Corsair, who are working on a collaborative channel known as AMVlog
A: My online name is Replay Studios aka Replay. I am a part of Re-Evolution Studios, mostly active on youtube. I been editing for years now, mostly just staying in the shadows of the org and youtube.Q: Thank you for joining me today. Let's start things off and have each of you introduce yourselves.
A: I'm Shin, I've done that lip flapper before so if anyone is really curious they can just cite back to that interview again for this portion.

A: Hey, my name’s Corsair, proud member of Re-Evolution Studios and founder of AMVlog! I’ve been editing for several years and focus primarily on motion graphics and effects. I am mainly active on Youtube.
[Replay]A: Yes, the channel has been up for couple of months now. This channel is for tutorials for basically anything an editor might use.Q: So I hear that you're all starting a new channel called AMVlog. What's this channel all about?
[Shin]A: Pretty basic tutorials on stuff an AMV editor might have a need for or find useful. The majority of the tutorials are going to be pretty basic so that anyone can get them so more veteran editors might find some of the tutorials lacking a bit, but I think we're trying to make it feel more manageable for newer editors who are learning and we don't want to overwhelm them.
[Corsair]A: The channel is basically a collection of all the AMVlogs that have been made, and will be made in the future. It acts as a easy-to-access Youtube channel full of tutorials, helpful tips, and a place for editing discussion.
[Replay]A: Yes, we will try to put out tutorials for multiple applications. I hope in the future, we can put out some tutorials for how to use the org, etc.Q: So editing and a-m-v.org tutorials? On the editing, will you cover all the different systems and software? What kind of a-m-v.org stuff can we expect to see?
[Shin]A: We're trying to cover a wide range of different editing programs but primarily focus on the Adobe Creative Suite (Premiere, AE, and Photoshop) as well as Sony Vegas Pro. We plan to eventually get some really basic stuff regarding AVIsynth/Virtual Dub but probably won't do be very extensive with it.
[Corsair]A: Currently we’ve covered some of the most common software being Sony Vegas Pro and Adobe After Effects. All members on the AMVlog team have seasoned experience in different software, so we hope to cover all the bases so our tutorials are universal. Things regarding the org are not my department, Replay and Shin would know more.
[Replay]A: Of course, it is on our list. ^^Q: Any idea if you'd offer basic encoding/clipping tutorials? There seems to be a lot of need for that.
[Shin]A: We have plans to show better or preferred methods of encoding and clipping. We already have a pretty basic tutorial on the benefits of rendering/exporting out of an NLE to a lossless .avi and then finalizing it as an .mp4 to help people get away from low quality .wmv encoding.
[Corsair]A: I typically forget that the people who watch AMVlogs come from all backgrounds of editing experience, from people who have just opened Vegas to the more famous of veterans. Recently we’ve started creating videos that go back to the fundamentals and basics of editing, and we hope that helps encourage newcomers to partake in this great hobby!
[Replay]A: Yes, that is our goal (to make Code be able to use effects!). ^^Q: So, I've seen all of your works before (all three of you), and you do some crazy stuff! Will I (the most effects-challenged person in the world) really be able to keep up with the tutorials you're talking about?
[Shin]A: For the most part I think the majority of people will be able to follow the explanations and be able to utilize whats provided in the tutorials. In some sense, the tutorials all build on top of each other, so the more you watch the more you can use your imagination to combine or tweak the basics of it all to come up with something different.
[Corsair]A: Of course. Granted, some tutorials may have a harder learning curve compared to others, but we always try our best to go step by step and be clear in our speech and instructions. The best part of AMVlog’s channel is that it’s also completely free and allows the viewer to rewind and re-watch parts that were confusing or difficult to understand.
[Replay]A: Just about all the tutorials were requests. Q&As sounds fun, so probably yes.Q: Will you take requests? Or perhaps do Q&As?

[Shin]A: We're open to pretty much all requests and I wouldn't mind doing a Q&A session.
[Corsair]A: We love hearing feedback and helping the community. Sometimes we run out of topics to make an AMVlog on, so requests always help keep our “to-do-list” from shrinking. Perhaps we can start formal Q&As on the Org, but answering Youtube comments has been working out nicely as well.
[Replay]A: I want to interact with a-m-v.org community. I just been nervous/lazy to post in the forums about amvlog. So ya, it would be cool to involved with the org. ^^Q: Will the channel have any interaction with the a-m-v.org forum/community? Similar to how the Lip Flapper has its main thread listing all its prior work?
[Corsair]A: As someone who has never been immersed in the Org Community, I’ve always wanted to have a way to interact more with the editors on the forum. Hopefully AMVlog will be a gateway for me to connect with the many of the members there.
[Replay]A: Well the channel is new and starting off slow.Q: Well thanks for joining me today guys, it's been a pleasure. As we leave off, anything you'd like to say about the channel in general, or perhaps anything we didn't cover?

[Corsair]A: Criticism, thoughts, and suggestions on how to improve AMVlog are always great. We want to make the learning experience as enjoyable and simple as possible. Thank you for your time, and stay tuned!