The forum is mainly french, but most editors speak English too! Don't be shy, take a good beer(or chocolate milk) and present yourself here! Anyone is welcome !
No offense... but I couldn't care less. So what are your actual group activities beside probably making single AMVs that have no connection to each other whatsoever beside the same studio title in the credits? Like... almost all other studios?
Please tell me!
You can find me on YT under "Bauzi514". Subscribe to never miss my AMV releases.
Bauzi wrote:No offense... but I couldn't care less. So what are your actual group activities beside probably making single AMVs that have no connection to each other whatsoever beside the same studio title in the credits? Like... almost all other studios?
Please tell me!
-AMV-related Events : Phoenix Team used to have a single Iron Chef each year in Summer, the SNK doesn't. With the bigger and more qualified roster, we'll be soon able to offer and announce well prepared online contests in the future for the pleasure of everybody.
-External Group Activities : Unlike almost all other studios, most of the team know each other in real life, like a big family. That's why we have other topics and activities we like to share with the members of the forum ( Doubt Games, gaming, graphics, convention meet-up, etc...). The fusion is not simply a "let's do it for fun", most members from both sides knew each other very well and thought it was the best choice to create the STK.
-Special AMV Concepts: Members don't just make single AMV and a team logo in the credits. We also have special themed editions like the Aléatoire Show : Hors-série, where everyone make a freestyle track and another one with music imposed by a partner, in a specific timespan. And many other out-of-the box ideas coming soon.
-Fan-base informing: It's also announced for those who are fan one of these previous teams that the main adress and name have changed.
FeedBack: Helping editors being the team moto, STK will be able to offer more feedback and beta-testing for actuals members, but also for the forum users. Many members of both teams are excellent and constructive reviewers, and editors won't have to send their amv on both sides. They'll be done in one place instead, simpler and bigger.
Hope i lighted up your lantern. I understand you may don't give a damn about it, but i hope i helped you to show this is not like a simple youtube-like studio melting just for the sake of showing a logo .
Bauzi wrote:No offense... but I couldn't care less. So what are your actual group activities beside probably making single AMVs that have no connection to each other whatsoever beside the same studio title in the credits? Like... almost all other studios?
Bauzi wrote:No offense... but I couldn't care less. So what are your actual group activities beside probably making single AMVs that have no connection to each other whatsoever beside the same studio title in the credits? Like... almost all other studios?
Please tell me!
PBE tu sais très bien qu'il a raison : D
y'a quand même une différence avec les studios de base qu'on voit un peu partout. Après c'est qu'une annonce pour inviter à venir jeter un oeil, je dormirais ce soir même si des gens s'en battent. La grande pompe, elle se verra sur les classements