A-M-V.org admin meeting (open to all) - Finished

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A-M-V.org admin meeting (open to all) - Finished

Post by Otohiko » Fri Nov 02, 2012 6:50 am

Hey everyone,

The .org administration will be having another meeting today, and following on from last time, we're trying to keep things as open as possible. If you'd like to follow along, today's meeting will be happening in IRC and you are welcome to join the channel.


Friday Nov 2 (today)

22:00 CET (Central Europe) / 21:00 GMT (Britain) / 17:00 EDT (Eastern) / 16:00 CDT (Central) / 15:00 MDT (Mountain) / 14:00 PDT (West Coast) / 6:00 Saturday JST (Japan)

Server: irc.synirc.org
Channel: #amv-modmeeting
(you can see the instructions for joining the IRC chat here: http://www.animemusicvideos.org/irc/ )

On the agenda:
-Forum changes and additions (new AMV critique forum instead of op exchange? edit button? autolock? and others...)
-Upcoming and future official events and contests
-Supporting third-party AMV events, features, media (interviews, livestreams, podcasts, events, etc.); improving links with other communities and organizations
-The .org's mission statement: what are we here for, anyway? (updates, revisions, definitions, thoughts)
-.org redesign: any progress?
-and other possible issues...


And of course, if you're interested in what the site admins are doing but don't have time today, minutes will be posted at a later time.

Sorry for the last-moment notice!
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…

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A-M-V.org admin meeting (open to all)

Post by GloryQuestor » Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:56 pm

If you don't have an IRC client, you can log in via SynIRC's CGI web client by clicking here, then use the channel name above and pick out a nickname to enter the IRC channel.
Website Administrator, AnimeMusicVideos.Org
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