Vantype Studios Holding Auditions + AMV Contest

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Vantype Studios Holding Auditions + AMV Contest

Post by TwilightChrono » Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:27 am

This audition and AMV contest are one in the same. The first, second and third place winners get invited to the studio if they wish to be in it. But only the first place winner gets a physical copy of Lindsey Sterlings Album.

If y ou guys wish to compete to try and become a part of the studio, feel free. Or if you just want to compete for the first place prize, then thats fine as well. Or if you wanna compete for both, then go for it XD

We already have a couple entries but we are looking to fill up the line-up more.

You guys still have 3 weeks to enter so feel free to give it a shot.

Watch the whole video and read the additional rules in the video description if you are interested.

Here is the video:

Good luck to all XD
Premiering At Another Anime Con 2012


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