A question for AMV contest coordinators (but others too)

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A question for AMV contest coordinators (but others too)

Post by Nya-chan Production » Wed May 22, 2013 6:44 am

A question mainly for all AMV contest coordinators out there.

When you get two or three submissions in a contest from a single person, one entry per category (so, they send like one action, one drama and one "other" vid). They all get through pre-screenings.

Do/Would you let them all go through to public screenings or do/would you cut some of them (like keeping only the video that got the best rating from pre-screening)?
And do/would you let all of them win in their categories (possibly letting a single person win 2, 3, 4+ awards)?
And possibly... why is your reply like it is (why yes, why not)?

It's a decision of more people with possibly worse quality, or repeating videos of less people, but possibly better quality. I'd like to know the thoughts of other people/coordinators out there.

Thank you for your time.

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Re: A question for AMV contest coordinators (but others too)

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Wed May 22, 2013 7:51 am

The contest is for the entertainment of the audience, not for the editors. The best videos get in (as determined by my prescreeners). It doesn't matter who made them. It's my job to put on a good show for the audience, and showing bad videos so everyone can get a gold star doesn't accomplish that.

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Re: A question for AMV contest coordinators (but others too)

Post by Nya-chan Production » Wed May 22, 2013 8:28 am

BasharOfTheAges wrote:The contest is for the entertainment of the audience, not for the editors. The best videos get in (as determined by my prescreeners). It doesn't matter who made them. It's my job to put on a good show for the audience, and showing bad videos so everyone can get a gold star doesn't accomplish that.
So I get it that for you one person winning all, or almost all awards is okay?
Just curious (and trying to conceal my tastes)~

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Re: A question for AMV contest coordinators (but others too)

Post by ngsilver » Wed May 22, 2013 9:55 am

I also am of the opinion that the showing at con is for the audience's entertainment. So no matter what I allow the best videos in. Last year I did make some changes in Youma's setup that cut down significantly on the number of awards given out to the same editor, by removing categories and going with all 'judges' awards. In the end the best or most entertaining videos still wind up winning and getting shown during the con.

End in the end the point of the con showing is to entertain the audience, if you don't do that then they wont show up again to watch more.

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Re: A question for AMV contest coordinators (but others too)

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Wed May 22, 2013 10:17 am

Nya-chan Production wrote:
BasharOfTheAges wrote:The contest is for the entertainment of the audience, not for the editors. The best videos get in (as determined by my prescreeners). It doesn't matter who made them. It's my job to put on a good show for the audience, and showing bad videos so everyone can get a gold star doesn't accomplish that.
So I get it that for you one person winning all, or almost all awards is okay?
Just curious (and trying to conceal my tastes)~
For my contests that's pretty much impossible. We limit entries to 2 unless you're physically present, Best in show winners give the category they win to 2nd place, and all judge awards default to non winning videos after audience votes are tallied.

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Re: A question for AMV contest coordinators (but others too)

Post by Scintilla » Thu May 23, 2013 6:42 am

Here's another one for best videos getting in regardless of creator. At AnimeNEXT, each creator is limited to two entries even if they *are* going to attend. And Coordinators' Choice* always goes to a video that did not win its category, of which there are five or more (so far we've had seven each year since I started running it).

* No, that is not improper apostrophe placement. It's my and Cyanna's "two thumbs up" award, and we must both agree on the recipient.
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Re: A question for AMV contest coordinators (but others too)

Post by Rider4Z » Thu May 23, 2013 9:16 pm

Anime Conji and Anime Vegas are still rather small cons. Our main concern currently for both is having enough quality entries entered period in order to put on a good show. So as of right now, multiple videos from the same entrant are permitted to proceed to the public show, BUT only one per category. We don't want one person with really awesome videos to have 4 entries in a category that has 5 total.

If our contests grow to AWA or AX size and we have an overwhelming number of quality entries entered every year, we may reduce the number of entries allowed to a specific number (2 or 3 maybe. We most likely would also invoke an anti-trolling rule in regards to previous awards.) If all of their videos score high enough to proceed to public viewing, then they will. If all of their videos win their respected categories, along with extra awards offered, then they will receive them. Retracting an award from someone simply because they excelled in their work is pandering to the other editors, and it's unfair to the editor who deserves the award(s). This is not kindergarten. This is a real world competition.

If there are entrants who don't make finals but (plan to) attend the convention, then at least one of their entries will be played during the preshow as a thank you for their contribution and attendance.

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Re: A question for AMV contest coordinators (but others too)

Post by Kireblue » Fri May 24, 2013 1:32 pm

For MomoCon, I limit the number of entries that a person can send to 2 videos plus an additional video if they sent one to the trailer/ parody category. I do this to prevent a single editor for wining every single award. But even if they sent in 3 videos good enough to make finals, I wouldn't ever cut one of them. Since I also decide on the winner of the "judges choice" award during the pre-screening, it is possible for a single video to win 2 awards and a person to win 4 out of the 7 awards that we give. But I feel that this is very unlikely if you receive enough good entries. And even if it did happen, the person clearly earned his/her wins, so I wouldn't deny it from them. I feel that changing the results, or preventing someone from winning an award that they deserve is disrespectful to the person that you denied the award AND the runner up that you gave it to.

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Re: A question for AMV contest coordinators (but others too)

Post by Rider4Z » Fri May 24, 2013 8:17 pm

kireblue wrote:I feel that changing the results, or preventing someone from winning an award that they deserve is disrespectful to the person that you denied the award AND the runner up that you gave it to.
^this. I can't imagine any editor accepting a Best of Category award proudly, knowing in reality they were second place :\ Now, when it comes to giving out PRIZES, that's a different story. but that's a whole 'nother ball park.

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Re: A question for AMV contest coordinators (but others too)

Post by Vlad G Pohnert » Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:51 am

Based on my experiences of Running AMV contests for the last decade, this pretty much what I can summarize:

- As already mentioned, the AMV contest needs to entertain the audience. Without a good size audience, the contest will not get Main events billing or a good slot, plain and simple.

- Restrictions to the amount an editor can enter are usually based on how much a contest has the potential of getting. Ideally, one per creator would be desirable, but in most cases just not practical in order to get a decent amount of videos.

- As for finalists and awards, I firmly believe it's not my place to restrict or hinder any video in making the finals or winning multiple awards. Ideally, it would be always great to see one video per creator into the finals and only one award per video, but this is not always the case and a video that excels in many areas should not be hindered or held back.

- Lastly, some sort of freshness rule is nice to keep the contest to more current videos; however it's my belief it’s not my place as the contest coordinator to restrict videos from being accepted just because they won another contest(s). These days, there are almost more contests then editors that send in (at least it seems that way) and so to restrict videos based on how many contests they might of won in the short term will, in some cases, hurt other contests (especially the small ones). Again, the goal of the AMV contest is to entertain people with a good mix and variety of videos. As such all the coordinator can hope for is for a lot of great submissions.

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