DDR and AMVs...??

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DDR and AMVs...??

Post by Setra » Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:50 pm

I was just playing DDR earlier today...and I got this weird idea. How about taking some of the DDR songs, and mixing the tracks together, and then making some random, most likely comedy, AMV to them. I can think of Trigun, when Vash is dancing, DNA^2, when that one girl (I forget her name, she has the blue hair) when she is singing Karaoke...and..of course...Excel Saga, anypart in Excel Saga. And Cowboy Bebop, the Mushroom Samba Episode, the scene when Ein eats the mushroom, and hops around. I don't know, I think it could make a great comedy. There are song really good DDr songs, I was thinking "AM-3P" "Rythm And Police" "Cutie Chaser" "Trip Machine" any of the "Paranoia" and "Max" songs, maybe even "Bag"...but for some reason, DDR and AMVs, I son't know, seem to go hand in hand...
Whatever...its just another random idea...
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[ kiLLjoy cLone ]
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sucka FOO

Post by [ kiLLjoy cLone ] » Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:16 am

you're the stupidest person i've ever seen post EVER, i think you should go down the street, turn right, go through Madrone Elementary School, go through the turnstyles, go down the coldasack and take a right onto Primavera Dr. and then to 1839 where you'll find me on my computer trash talkin my best friend :lol:
break on through to the other side...

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Post by Setra » Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:20 am

ROTFLMFAO!!!! You crazy kid U Joyfully Killing...good to see your finally on. Now...NEVER do that again..."I know where U LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!" lol...whatever...good to see your on, but how about actually replying to my post (so we don't get in trouble by making this our personal chat channel) lol j/k...whatever...
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[ kiLLjoy cLone ]
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Post by [ kiLLjoy cLone ] » Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:22 am

i think you have the best idea ever.. ddr rocks my face HARD and i think that music video's n DDR go together like your mom and that guy named Steve who lives in your house
break on through to the other side...

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Post by cynispin » Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:06 am

Last year at AWA there was a group of people who did that. The "DJ" cued up the songs and video while MCing the announcer sayings from DDR ("Did you have practice today?" "Your dance was cool, it was like sunshine on a cloudy day!"). Needless to say, the auditorium was filled with about 800 people, half of which were dancing. It was like a ddr rave. My friends and I have began to make a 20 minute long sequence to play at my birthday party between our Tek-House and Breaks mixes. I believe it will work well. I suggest trying it.
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Post by VegettoEX » Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:12 am

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Post by Rozard » Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:47 pm

VegettoEX wrote:*blink*

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Post by Corran » Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:28 pm

That conversation seemed rather scripted and judging on the join date and sigs... I wouldn't be suprised if you had multiple accounts...

[MOD: It's hard to tell... they both use AOL, along with millions of other forum posters.]

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Post by Corran » Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:48 pm

I guess. I'll just leave it alone because if they are individuals I'd hate to sound like an ass... :|

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Post by Setra » Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:18 pm

That chat almost was scripited...but it wasn't. See...I've been trying to get KillJoy on here for a while...and he just hasn't been able to. So all this time we were talking about how we would make fun of each other and do all that stuff. And actually, we were both chatting through AIM while we were posting at each other...So I can see how you, and others, would think that I had just scripted it out, and was replying to my own question, but I wasn't...it just happened to worthat way :D Yeah...sorry about that mix up. And don't worry, you don't sound like an ass...I might have thought the same thing if I was you. :D
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