Your Editing Feels
- One of the first feelings that I often find when editing is when I begin a large project over, say, a minute. Generally feels like an enormous mountain I gotta climb and it feels like I'll never get there. But, if the muse is strong enough, sometimes it feels awesome conquering it and actually completing the project. Learned that with my Dangan Massacre Project.
- Another thing I hate is that even if the concept is pretty good, the atmosphere of the video is good and everything else checks out; some people just default the video altogether because they didn't like the song. I can understand not entirely digging the video because it isn't your type of music, but even I can still give props if the person seemed to have a good idea of direction with their AMV.
- Rendering times are a buzz kill. In my case, I often use a mixture of After Effects/Sony Vegas in order to merge the effects from there into the video. Along with that, with the lag I get, I sometimes just render different scenes to make sure it has the timing I have and sometimes I feel like bashing my head into a wall waiting.
- I love announcing to the people who follow my videos/projects that I'm starting on a new AMV. This is because I like getting people hyped, I feel bold when making these announcements and it helps me try to keep my word since I told dozens/hundreds of people what I'm going to do and I better live up to my word and crank out something dope. (Such as the case with Shingeki No Squarepants I put on youtube. I need to work on the second one after this post.)
- The best feeling in the world is when, after everything is said and done, you get a positive feedback from whatever community (Org/Youtube/Forum whatever) and they like the amount of blood, sweat and tears you poured into your video. Not to mention that feeling of glee, anticipation and joy when putting your finalized video up on to the Org/Youtube and waiting for those views to crank in. Even if just one person liked my video, I'll feel pretty happy that I managed to make someone's day with my content.
There are more, but that's all I feel like writing for now since I'm working on a bunch of projects at the moment. I'm curious to see everyone else's and see if we can get some interesting discussion going on in here.