AMVs and Hobbies

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AMVs and Hobbies

Post by TritioAFB » Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:13 pm

How important are AMVs compared to other hobbies you have?

If you could choose between AMVs and other hobbies what will you choose?

What other hobbies do you have rather than AMVs?

At my case: They bring balance between the stress of an Hospital and the stress of doing right the job :up:
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Re: AMVs and Hobbies

Post by JaddziaDax » Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:56 am

I play video games, a hobby I picked up after starting amvs...
If I had a choice it would depend on my mood..
I need more hobbies.

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Re: AMVs and Hobbies

Post by Shui » Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:48 am

I started making music some years ago, and stopped with AMVs because of that.
Now that I felt confident in my music production skills I turn back to AMVs for a while to make those few Videos I've always wanted to do.
After I finished them I'll probably just enjoy AMVs as a watcher rather than editing.

So yeah, it has priority now but won't forever.
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fucking stealing other poeples hard work and claiming it as your own, you guys should be ashemed

ppl fukin fuk spent years making those animes, blood sweat and spilt coffe stains drawing all day long just to get a title "animator: this GUY" and then those music ppl spend years learning to produce music, teams of so many hard working ppl just trying to get their stuff out there in the world then WHAT TEH FUK DO U GUYS DO? u fukin take the drawings, u fukin take the music, then u just slap it fukin together like its fukin nothing, then u make banners and og take credit for it fukin all like u fukin made shit goin amv contests actin liek ur teh fukin shit fukin sayin i amde this fukin liek if u fukin did fukin makin fukin the fukin fukin fukin fukin - MiyaDV (2014)

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Re: AMVs and Hobbies

Post by dreamawake » Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:29 pm

My only other hobby is making music and playing guitar/doing vocals.

I game a little bit but not nearly enough to be classified as a gamer.

So yeah, AMVs/editing in general is pretty much at the top of up there with my other hobbies.

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Re: AMVs and Hobbies

Post by GloryQuestor » Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:38 pm

Compared to other hobbies, AMVs are still at the forefront of my hobby list, as I participate in a lot of contests and help run convention-length AMV rooms every year.

Well, since I was heavily into classic gaming before and during my time with the AMV hobby, it's still something I spend a lot of time on.

I play Magic (and very occasionally Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokemon), join in Pathfinder and D&D campaigns, collect and play a variety of video games (mostly vintage), and I participate in non-AMV Japanese fandom convention panels and events along with the AMV ones. I really have a lot of hobbies. >_>
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Re: AMVs and Hobbies

Post by Bauzi » Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:36 pm

I play videogame. Right now I'm a passionate DOTA 2 player. I really like getting down into the details of the game and getting better.
You can find me on YT under "Bauzi514". Subscribe to never miss my AMV releases. :amv:

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Re: AMVs and Hobbies

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Wed Feb 26, 2014 6:04 pm

I've been doing the PnP RPG thing since college (DnD, WoD stuff, BESM d20, etc). I'm currently running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft for a group of friends while we have a hiatus in my buddy's Werewolf the Appocolypse campaign. I play board games a bunch and I'm trying to get into the new MLP CCG (waiting for players at a game store as I type this). That's about all I have for real hobbies outside of AMVs
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Re: AMVs and Hobbies

Post by TritioAFB » Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:15 am

new hobbie currently: collecting coins
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Re: AMVs and Hobbies

Post by SheeGee » Wed Mar 19, 2014 12:47 am

Back when I actually got videos done, AMVs was the biggest hobby I ever got into so it was pretty important.

Nowadays it's just gaming like most people here.
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Re: AMVs and Hobbies

Post by Pwolf » Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:38 pm

For the last 14+ years AMVs have been my biggest hobby. Since the past year and a half or so I've slowed down quite a bit. I sorta just stick around though and do other AMV related things (judge contests, staffing, org redesign...).

The last 6 months or so I've been more interested in the driving/car enthusiast culture... Working on my car is rather fulfilling and another outlet to express myself (also really expensive ;_;).


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