Looking for the Best FX Free Videos

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Looking for the Best FX Free Videos

Post by Rider4Z » Sat Aug 30, 2014 4:01 pm

Hey guys, I went into the "Recommended AMVs" forum and I couldn't find a thread for "Non-Effects" videos. Actually surprised me. Anyway, I was thinking of putting together a showcase of AMVs that don't use/need effects to tell their stories. I want to show the audience they're not essential in creating an effective AMV/story (depending on what you're trying to do of course).

I know this can be a hot issue so you are free to debate the subject as long as you post a link to your favorite video that doesn't have effects in it :awesome:

Just to be clear, crossfade transitions are fine. Lip-flap removal I don't count as an effect because it's merely eliminating a distraction, thus enhancing the video quality which is a professional responsibility regardless. Same thing goes for cleaning your footage. :up:

Masking, rotoscoping, color enhancements, lens flare, and other such nonsense are all effects. :down:

I'm iffy about blurs and zooms/pans to portray movement and motion... I love em but... convince me.

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Re: Looking for the Best FX Free Videos

Post by Changelling » Sat Aug 30, 2014 4:45 pm

This 1 has a small amount of blurs and flashes here and there, but I think it still falls under the category of no effects. or at least almost no effects :bear:

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Re: Looking for the Best FX Free Videos

Post by CrackTheSky » Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:17 pm

You might actually find the project I'm working on helpful...check my signature, click on the "Genome Project files" link, and look at the spreadsheet in the ZIP file. Use your spreadsheet program's AutoFilter to show just the videos that have "No effects" listed in the "FX tags" column, and then you can sort them by star rating (if you want to know how "good" they are according to general consensus of the people who downloaded them) or my rating (if you want to know my opinion :P).

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Re: Looking for the Best FX Free Videos

Post by Rider4Z » Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:53 pm

CrackTheSky wrote:You might actually find the project I'm working on helpful...check my signature, click on the "Genome Project files" link, and look at the spreadsheet in the ZIP file. Use your spreadsheet program's AutoFilter to show just the videos that have "No effects" listed in the "FX tags" column, and then you can sort them by star rating (if you want to know how "good" they are according to general consensus of the people who downloaded them) or my rating (if you want to know my opinion :P).
hmmm just by a quick glance of your list your definition of "no effects" is different than mine. you listed my panty and stocking video (thanks btw) as no effects but it's got plenty in it. not exactly what I'm looking for.

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Re: Looking for the Best FX Free Videos

Post by dragontamer5788 » Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:15 pm

"She's just oblivious" is the classic Fx-Free video.

Those familiar with Haruhi will note that the majority of pans and zooms are actually unedited from the source footage. So even custom panning / zooming was kept to a minimum. The video is extremely pure. The most complicated "effects" are the chroma-key finale, and a couple of random greyscale manipulations to help convey the mood. (The grainy effect in the opening is an unedited flashback scene from the source footage).

A seriously good video, sticking to the basics of editing. I can't think of too many like it.


L33tMeatWad's "Mother's Day Special" starts off with very few effects actually. A ton of dynamic text pops up with a minute or so, but the intro is completely portrayed using only cuts, pan, and zoom. The non-FX scenes are very solid, and worth studying even if the video relies on FX later on. The video would be solid even without any dynamic text.

Again, it is hardly an FX-free video... but the FX-free portions are done so well I think it deserves a mention.

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Re: Looking for the Best FX Free Videos

Post by dragontamer5788 » Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:06 pm

Looked through my archives, I see a lot of low-FX videos... that might arguably count as FX-Free. Please let me know which of these match your requirements.

Does insane lip-sync count as "FX-free" ? To me it does, but the lip-sync absolutely kills it in the above video. I argue this is an FX-free video, even if it clearly took an insane amount of work to accomplish.

The intro is very clearly custom done. But watch the video itself, which aside from insane lip-sync work, its basically FX-free.


Continuing the trend of insane lipsync AMVs... the custom lips on everyone is hard to notice unless you're familiar with the source footage. What kills it for me is when Konata (Lucky Star's main) makes the "Phff" sound with her lips, and then it becomes obvious that the entire video is a massive custom-drawn lips undertaking. (Mind == blown moment)

So this video is like the CHIHUAHUA! video on steroids. This video doesn't seem to have any custom FXs and instead uses custom-drawn lips to really sell the video's concept.


Outside of tacking on the subtitles manually to the audio, I don't think any major FX were used in this video.


An excellent example of a high-octane video without using any FX. Some lip-flap editing exists, but this definitely uses the fewest FX out of all the videos I've posted so far. The Sailor Moon parody of this video also uses very few FX, although I prefer the original. (vidid of the Sailor Moon Parody is 187998)


A shorter video based entirely on the mash-up for "Protect my Balls", for those who appreciate the crude humor from Puni-Puni Poemi + South Park.


A drama instrumental video composed entirely of freeze frames + fade to black. Perhaps not "FX-free", but instead uses very normal / stock effects to create a unique feel to the whole video.

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Re: Looking for the Best FX Free Videos

Post by Shui » Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:31 am

There are a lot of AMVs which have just very little fx. Many have a lot of dips to black which have no effect.
But if I'd have to choose one which has absolutely none I'd go with this:

Spoiler :
fucking stealing other poeples hard work and claiming it as your own, you guys should be ashemed

ppl fukin fuk spent years making those animes, blood sweat and spilt coffe stains drawing all day long just to get a title "animator: this GUY" and then those music ppl spend years learning to produce music, teams of so many hard working ppl just trying to get their stuff out there in the world then WHAT TEH FUK DO U GUYS DO? u fukin take the drawings, u fukin take the music, then u just slap it fukin together like its fukin nothing, then u make banners and og take credit for it fukin all like u fukin made shit goin amv contests actin liek ur teh fukin shit fukin sayin i amde this fukin liek if u fukin did fukin makin fukin the fukin fukin fukin fukin - MiyaDV (2014)

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Re: Looking for the Best FX Free Videos

Post by Rider4Z » Thu Sep 04, 2014 7:36 pm

Thanks for your suggestions, guys!

I'm wondering if i should broaden my definition of "FX Free". instead of being so strict, make it more "Special FX Free", so the use of effects are still present in the video but are "hidden", meaning they were only used to enhance flow and movement.

I guess what i'm ultimately looking for, are videos that work without effects vs those whose effects are the "star". a blunt example of this would be Ileia vs Nostromo.

what do you guys think?

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Re: Looking for the Best FX Free Videos

Post by dragontamer5788 » Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:31 pm

Rider4Z wrote:Thanks for your suggestions, guys!

I'm wondering if i should broaden my definition of "FX Free". instead of being so strict, make it more "Special FX Free", so the use of effects are still present in the video but are "hidden", meaning they were only used to enhance flow and movement.

I guess what i'm ultimately looking for, are videos that work without effects vs those whose effects are the "star". a blunt example of this would be Ileia vs Nostromo.

what do you guys think?
If its okay with you, I'd say that definition makes "Safety Dance" a "Special FX-Free Video".

There are some crazy intense transitions going on throughout the video... involving very precise masking and rotoscoping... but Shin does it in such a way that it hides the transition instead of flaunting it.

The transitions are so smoothly done the untrained eye probably doesn't notice the effects.


Another recommendation: War Paint. No vidid unfortunately.


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Re: Looking for the Best FX Free Videos

Post by Rider4Z » Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:17 pm

dragontamer5788 wrote:If its okay with you, I'd say that definition makes "Safety Dance" a "Special FX-Free Video".
I understand your theory, but there are waaaaaayyyy too many transition masks for me to forgive Safety Dance specifically. Masking is a special effect in my opinion.

Maybe I should restrict my definition to strictly pans, zooms, blurs, and dissolve transitions...? Can we all agree these are special effects?


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