Lost AMV: FMA Brotherhood

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Lost AMV: FMA Brotherhood

Post by Tusken » Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:50 am

I saw one awesome FMA AMV at YouTube so of course it got deleted the next day.

Could someone help me to find it?

It has material from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood -anime.
Band & Song: 30 Seconds to Mars - This Is War

There is LOT of AMV's with this info, but the one I'm looking for has one effect: When the song is near the end (3:00-3:30, lyrics are "Towards the sun") there is sounds from anime (lot of different characters calling Ed's name and then Ed shouting bakayaro (idiot in Japanese, I'm not sure how to write it).

It was really awesome and I hope someone could help me to find it.

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Re: Lost AMV: FMA Brotherhood

Post by Shui » Wed Oct 01, 2014 1:42 am

Sucks. You're not the only one to have this problem, that's why you should always take note of the editor.
Did you try the Super Search yet? If it isn't there you won't find it on this site....
Spoiler :
fucking stealing other poeples hard work and claiming it as your own, you guys should be ashemed

ppl fukin fuk spent years making those animes, blood sweat and spilt coffe stains drawing all day long just to get a title "animator: this GUY" and then those music ppl spend years learning to produce music, teams of so many hard working ppl just trying to get their stuff out there in the world then WHAT TEH FUK DO U GUYS DO? u fukin take the drawings, u fukin take the music, then u just slap it fukin together like its fukin nothing, then u make banners and og take credit for it fukin all like u fukin made shit goin amv contests actin liek ur teh fukin shit fukin sayin i amde this fukin liek if u fukin did fukin makin fukin the fukin fukin fukin fukin - MiyaDV (2014)

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Re: Lost AMV: FMA Brotherhood

Post by Tusken » Wed Oct 01, 2014 2:25 am

I did check the super search, couldn't find it.

I found one version of it (here), but it's rather bad quality. And there is no mention who did this amv.

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Re: Lost AMV: FMA Brotherhood

Post by Changelling » Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:14 am

There is a decent quality version of it on youtube
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_6_dub8dtM <<< But yea, this uploader doesn't seem to know the real creator too. Its sad because I was in love with this video at one stage

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Re: Lost AMV: FMA Brotherhood

Post by Tusken » Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:59 pm

Thank you! The quality is lot better than in the one I found.

Yeah, it's sad when you don't know the maker...


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