AMV Contests Becoming to Strict!

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Gene Starwind 21122
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AMV Contests Becoming to Strict!

Post by Gene Starwind 21122 » Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:37 am

So this is not just coming from an editors perspective but a coordinator's perspective too. AMV Contest have become way to strict on the content that can be shown. It can have this much blood in it, now panty shots are not allowed in AMV's. Innuendos if to much implied are not allowed. It makes it really hard to enter anything into a contest that is being rated PG. Some contest do say PG-13 but treated more like a PG rating. sigh...

Seriously though if it does not require ID to be bought, then it should be allowed to be shown in the AMV contest. You have kids going around in Attack on Titan Cosplays and that show is being shown on toonami at 11:30pm. Before midnight! So I don't see what the problem is. I like action videos and if they have some violent scenes in it so be it. If it is extremly gory then yes I can understand it not being allowed.

Anyways do feel like contests have become to strict on what can be shown in them. If so do you think all AMV Contests should be moved to late night so that way videos do not get DQ.

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Re: AMV Contests Becoming to Strict!

Post by UnluckyArtist » Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:29 am

I think most the PG-13 shows stay true to that despite all the panty shots and blood because PG-13 is so loose nowadays in film and tv anyway; what PG-13 now is R 15 years ago. R now basically means if it's not porn it's okay. Some contests that say PG-13 do treat it like PG in that anything questionable is not okay unless it's a popular/well known video, then Innuendos and some blood is okay >_> AoT gets horribly grim with blood and death right off the bat but you have 5 year olds dressed like titans, proving that it doesn't matter how gruesome something is if it's popular, everyone will be okay with it.

PG shows like that are always going to be strict and therefore have crappy shows, they wouldn't even consider a late night show, if so I'd have to wonder why they were so scared to show PG-13 stuff during the day like geez it's 2027 no one's going to sue the con over a boob grab. So those that are actually strict maybe too strict and those that really aren't strict are just fine.

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Re: AMV Contests Becoming to Strict!

Post by TritioAFB » Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:44 pm

Perhaps we should re-define what gore and porn are, so that we don't submit stuff that's considered as that
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Re: AMV Contests Becoming to Strict!

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:05 pm

TritioAFB wrote:Perhaps we should re-define what gore and porn are, so that we don't submit stuff that's considered as that
Or just don't submit anything, inappropriate or not, to contests with very low ratings requirements to show that you don't buy into the whole censorship thing.
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Re: AMV Contests Becoming to Strict!

Post by Gene Starwind 21122 » Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:16 pm

Problem is conventions are being to overprotective and are worried about parents suing if they see an Attack on Titan type scene with excessive blood. sigh...Society today is way to censored and needs to be a little more open.
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Re: AMV Contests Becoming to Strict!

Post by Ileia » Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:50 pm

Either censor it or send to a different con, there's not much else to be done.
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Re: AMV Contests Becoming to Strict!

Post by ngsilver » Wed Oct 15, 2014 8:19 pm

I haven't really noticed this TBH. Though I don't enter many contests really. I have always been strictly against censorship don't provide a MPAA rating for Youmacon because I don't use them. We show pretty much everything but in the end our competition winds up being pg-13, more due to editors censoring themselves. I would prefer to receive the non-censored versions of videos, and if I need a censored version I can ask for it.

As far as showing stuff at the con, we usually push the limit as the night drags on, but it's more about reading the audience. In the end, we haven't had any issues ourselves, but I'm sure if the con were to get actual complaints then perhaps we might tighten requirements. Though IMHO, we state that any event not listed as 18+ (and carded) is considered pg-13 so at that point it's the parent's responsibility to determine if their children should be part of those events.

In the end, it's really up to the contest and con to decide what content to show and what not to. And then it's up to us as editors to determine what we want to send and how much we want to censor ourselves or stick with our artistic integrity.

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Re: AMV Contests Becoming to Strict!

Post by Rider4Z » Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:34 pm

I haven't noticed this either, but typically my work usually doesn't have to worry about going past a PG-13 rating. I don't really care about the "R" type amvs, but I have to keep a parent's eye in mind when deciding what's allowed and what's not. I've heard enough stories of coordinators being lectured over stuff they didn't think twice about. At the beginning of the contests tho I'm always sure to give a disclaimer during the introduction so parents are as prepped as possible. I don't think they go into a show purposefully looking for stuff to complain about, and being at an anime convention they should have at least some idea of what to expect.

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Re: AMV Contests Becoming to Strict!

Post by Zarxrax » Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:33 am

I think another aspect of it is the music and audio content as well. I think in the last 20 years or so, our society has really changed a lot in regards to what kind of language is acceptable. If you listen to a pop music channel on the radio, its difficult to go through more than 1 song without hearing something that was censored. Kids today are growing up watching youtube as their primary source of video entertainment, which basically has no adult language restrictions or censorship, whereas when I was coming up, I seriously didn't even KNOW what the "f word" was until I was like 14, and was utterly shocked whenever I heard it until I was about 18.
A lot of contests still want to have these old restrictions with regards to language as well, but the lyrical content that we have to work with is many cases would have to be censored in order to fit.


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