Do cons even care about violence at this point?

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One Winged Angel
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Do cons even care about violence at this point?

Post by Sephirothskr » Sat Feb 07, 2015 3:41 pm

Here's what I'd like to know. So I'm working on a video that has... 'above average' violence in it, and my friends are a little afraid that a con wouldn't accept it. Is there really any cases where that actually happens? I feel like that rule is not even enforced. I'm not entirely sure but do cons actually enforce the 'pg-13 rule'?

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Re: Do cons even care about violence at this point?

Post by AngelDragoon » Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:14 pm

I know of one contest last year that cut a LOT of entries based on too much violence, (basically if it had anything Attack on Titan related it was canned). This, however, seems to be a rarity nowadays; 'PG-13' generally means what would be allowed on a live-action movie level. Still, it depends on the contest and convention itself. Regardless of that, though, you should make it anyway. If it's too extreme for one contest, it's probably going to be just fine for another. Plus there tends to be "too hot for general audiences" contests floating around as well, so there's always that. :shrug:

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Re: Do cons even care about violence at this point?

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:23 pm

Ratings standards for movies have always treated animation much more lenient than live action when it comes to violence.

Most cons tend to stick to live-action level ratings for language, sexual content, and drug use and many are even more strict in those regards.
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Re: Do cons even care about violence at this point?

Post by Sephirothskr » Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:30 pm

This video just has.. well....

1+ gore
1+ excessive violence
1+ nudity
1+ Seizure inducing effects

So I feel like I'm kinda screwed (Even though I'm loving it)

We'll see I suppose. :P.

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Re: Do cons even care about violence at this point?

Post by Enigmo » Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:41 pm

well bro, considering my Creepy Crawl AMV was allowed for the Russian Free Zone contest, maybe high violence is accepted--idk how significant it being Russian was in terms of accepting the violence. the original version did get rejected, but that was for nudity, so i just went and covered the b00bies with black bars and it got accepted
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Re: Do cons even care about violence at this point?

Post by Sephirothskr » Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:40 pm

I'll have a censored and uncensored version.. One with tits and one without XD. (Deadman wonderland opening.. Pretty racy)

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Re: Do cons even care about violence at this point?

Post by Scintilla » Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:21 pm

In my capacity as the AnimeNEXT contest coordinator, I've had to DQ videos for violence before -- I can remember at least one using Elfen Lied and one using Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan.

(Though I've also accepted an Elfen Lied video that did a better job avoiding the gorier shots.)
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Re: Do cons even care about violence at this point?

Post by ngsilver » Tue Feb 10, 2015 12:03 pm

It often depends on the con. Some are more lienient then others. It is safe to say that nudity will get your video cut faster then violence will at least here in the states where violence is on TV and normal but nudity is still considered bad.

I can tell you for Youmacon it doesn't matter the level of anything we will accept the entry. It may get bumped to our later night showing, but for the competition it will compete. We don't believe in censorship and prefer un-censored versions of videos to censored.

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Re: Do cons even care about violence at this point?

Post by Gene Starwind 21122 » Tue Feb 10, 2015 12:15 pm

I know from my experience as contest coordinator for Nekocon, we have a PG-13 rating. Some blood and violence is fine. It's the excessive blood, example Attack on Titan with limbs being disenbody, and gushers of blood. That's what they mean by excesive. Characters are going to cut and bleed in some action videos. I finally manage to discuss that point with Nekocon and got the rating bumped up to PG-13. Originally they wanted it PG.

So if there are any questions in mind, you can always ask the contest for better clarification of the rules before submitting.

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Re: Do cons even care about violence at this point?

Post by Vlad G Pohnert » Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:39 am

It also depends on what part of the country too... For instance places like AWA you can get away with a lot more violence a lot more then say Seattle.

I also find that cons tend to be tighter about things then the ratings. For PG-13 you can get away with some swearing (even an instance of the F-Bomb) but at some cons even one instance of the F-Bmnb is prohibited. But then if you are viewing television, there is a lot more room for more violence, nudity and swearing in many cases as the audience is in their homes, but at a con where the people are there LIVE, I sure no con wants to get slapped with potential trouble and issues from say a parent with his children attending the contest.

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