http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... php?v=7152
So far the best bet was Missing Heart but unless all the uploaded songs/vids of their remix are wrong it's not their version. This version is diffidently NOT Groove Coverage and it annoys me they are commonly credited.
Other artists that have been suggested that I think I've properly ruled out are, DJ Dave, E-Rotic, Baccara, DJ Mystic.
I went so far as to listen to the first few second of almost every Moonlight Shadow mix and cover Spotify has in their library.
Any ideas or is this a mystery and will remain one forever~

(Ps. I've had this official J-pop music video stuck in my head recently and I have no idea who the artist is, the song, or even the beat. But I can remember the video well. So if any of you know of or can remember a music video that is at least 7+ years old, here goes my best description of the music video, you know for bonus points. Female J-pop star, individual(not a big girl band), the video was surreal, it had the signer dressed in a big dress of a table and tea set, giant costumed teddy bears, ladies dressed in skimpy maid outfits, and they were all dancing around in a hedge maze.)

Thanks for reading and indulging my intellectual needs. Go music