CrackTheSky wrote:So, a few questions:
(1) What is the purpose of this website that is not fulfilled by YouTube or the .org? I'm genuinely not trying to sound mean or snarky there, I'm curious to know what it brings to the table. From what I can tell, it seems like a less organized, streaming-oriented version of the .org, or a more organized version of YouTube (in the sense that it only shows AMVs).
No other purpose than having a amv centric youtube. As you said a more organized version of Youtube (in the sense that it only shows amvs).
CrackTheSky wrote:
(2) Are there "editor pages", where individual editors can upload their own videos? It appears that user pages as they are now allow for anyone to upload anyone else's videos, and the videos themselves appear to have no attribution to individual editors, only whoever submitted them. So, for example, if I
search for qwaqa's videos, I get two videos that pop up (as of right now), both of which were uploaded by user elcalavero, but nowhere is there a place where I can view only qwaqa's videos (and I'm guessing the only reason his videos popped up at all is because his name was listed in the video description). So, if an uploader fails to properly attribute the video, the editor does not get proper credit.
Anyone can create an account. It could be made for the purpose of sharing amvs they like or make it as a individual editor page. That would be your choice. It would be impossible to stop others from uploading other peoples amvs anyways. The workload would be too much. To answer the second question, Elcalavero seems to add youtube video via "Suggest a Video" feature, but doesn't bother to add tags or modify the description. This I will need to fix soon. I guess the only solution I can see for people getting "Proper Credit" is to make it mandatory to add it in the title. For Example, qwaqa video "Paperheart", could be change to say "Paperheart by Qwaqa". Since the Title on the page is Big and Bold. Completely dwarfing the description + whos its uploaded by..
CrackTheSky wrote:
(3) Is there anywhere for a community to form? As it is right now, it seems like it's just a place for viewing AMVs, with no context or room for discussion. Which just kind of seems redundant given the existence of YouTube.
Well the purpose is to share/watch amvs. You can create user profiles and follow people (get status updates when certain users you follow upload videos or comment videos etc).. I guess that's where the sociability ends. We were thinking of adding a forum in the future. We have not looked the forum options yet though.
CrackTheSky wrote:
(4) Is there any way to sort videos other than by genre? As more and more videos are entered, it's going to be a real hassle to find certain types of videos, or individual videos if you don't know the editor/AMV title. A more robust search/sort feature would go a long way.
I see that this is a very new site, so I hope these things aren't seen as unfair criticisms -- just things for the creator (is it elcalavero? I know he's active around here so I'm sure he'll see this) to take into account as far as improving it, especially if he wants it to gain traction as a viable AMV-centered website.
If your talking about an advanced search, probably not. As I said above, right now it displays some videos without the proper tags, I'll update them as soon as I can. To answer the question, they are searchable via Tags, Description, Video Title. Tags would contain anime used, music used (artist/song title), editor name etc.
Elcalavero is the creator/owner, he had tried twice to get to gain traction previously but failed. I convinced him to get the website going again. He only accepted under the condition that he gets the website setup for "primetime" and only contributes by sharing amvs that he likes. He doesn't want to be bothered by other issues. I would take care of those "other" issues. If that makes sense.
seasons wrote:I don't understand how sites like these work but does this even host any AMVs? It seemed like everything I clicked on was just streaming the video through a copy that was already hosted on Youtube.
You can share a Youtube Video via "Suggest a Video" by adding the link. You can also upload a video via Direct Upload. It however, require manual thumbnail submission and upload limit is 230-240 Mbs. Best format for this is .MP4. There is no conversion, the Direct upload will upload to its max quality.